Tuesday, 21 December 2010

You Know I Love You 'Cos Your Feet's Too Big

make an animated gif

No door today as no time to make one. Instead, here is Cassie yawning. She makes me smile with her big feet and the way they hang off of things. I misremembered the above line from the Fats Waller song-in fact it is "I can't stand you 'cos your feet's too big" "Your pedal extremities are a bit obnoxious" !


Yiota said...


Anonymous said...

I'm all right then, because I've just got little feet!!

Mary S. Hunt said...

she is a pretty picture
her feet don't look big...
you tell her that

she will be glad i stuck up for her!


Leenie said...

Haha. I know that song and I like your version better. Cassie does have big feet. The better to tiptoe into a warm place and commandeer it. Stay sane!

Bimbimbie said...

Merry Christmas Sarah :)

Looking in to catch up with all your creative Christmas doors, I love all your variations ... the smiling/sad face garlands made me grin and I'm so pleased young Jimmy received a letter from the Queen 'cause Sarah fixed it for him*!*

Anairam said...

I like Cassie's socks! Oh, big feet, small feet, it is all relative ... (Of course, I have big feet - sigh - one of the drawbacks of being tall)

Tracy said...

tee-hee... very funny, Sarah! And fun photo of Cassie. She has such pretty socks. I love a cat with socks. ;o) Running out of time for extras here too. Oh, you got to see the Luna eclipse! It was overcast & snowy here, so we didn't see a thing, sadly. My hubby was up very early scouting it for us, but nothing. Still the Solstice is a great time and we've enjoyed marking it in our small way and will carry a bit of the Yule fun & spirit through the "holidays" :o) We have a good many gatherings & get-togethers in the next days, so visiting friends early this week in blogland. I hope to post again before the holiday break :o) Hoping you & yours have the happiest holiday season & wishing you all the best in 2011, my friend! ((HUGS))

jabblog said...

White shoes (socks) always make feet look bigger ;-)

Sam said...

Oh yes! I know that song - Cassie is very lovely her large fluffy footies and all! :0)

Anonymous said...

So cute!