Thursday, 2 December 2010

Snow Day

make a gif

Today's advent picture is a felty angel I made for a swap on ADO.

I sent her off to Denmark last week but have not heard anything yet.

We had lots more snow last night, so school was closed. I won't pretend to be at all upset about this, or that I did any work. Instead I went to Lewisham to get some wadding for my patchwork-not the new patchwork but the really old one I started and never finished (a cushion inspired by a vintage one I bought)-I have been working on it this week. I am quite excited about the quilting part and am nearly ready to start. I got a lovely grey velvet to do the back of the cushion with. The old cushion that inspired this one has a lovely faded and soft red velvet back.

I have also made my Christmas tree-well-improvised. More on that another day!

We had an inset day tomorrow anyway, and have received a message that we are to work from home. I should get quite a lot done hopefully, but still have time for a little walk.

Below are a few pictures from today's walk. There were buses and I did catch a couple, but they were not ones that went quite where I wanted them to so I did walk quite a bit. I get far more exercise when it snows!

Cassie by the snow lit window just before my walk!


Linda Sue said...

LOVING your calendar! LOVING the snowy photos- LOVING that you are home working on this and that!

Bimbimbie said...

Good to see you have your priorities right... wadding before school work*!*

Louise said...

your calendar makes me squeal with happiness, so cool xx

Kathryn said...

So clever! I love the pictures too, it makes me miss being in a winter wonderland! :)

Leenie said...

I almost got a teaching degree. Still regretting not having those summers off and those snow days. Glad you know how to spend a snow day. No regrets and no working. Way to go. Still smiling about Cassie's reaction to that cold white stuff. So glad you shared the little movie.

And the advent calendar is just super unique!

Lynne said...

I am so looking forward to seeing your patchwork!
What a novel Advent Calendar, fun.
I like that there were some buses, even though they were not going where you wanted them to.
Hope you have a fruitful day today.

Anonymous said...

love your advent calendar. brilliant idea.

Anonymous said...

Love day two of your calendar!! Super photo of the veggies. Glad you made such good use of your day off - wadding is very important! I'm looking firward to seeing your cushion.

Unknown said...

Love your advent calendar. You certainly have had a lot of snow over there, I'm surprised you got outside at all.

Cassie by the window, keeping warm, clever cat.

snoopydogknits said...

Another great calendar door today! Lucky you to get a couple of snow days!!!! We have been hanging on every weather forecast, but alas, no snow days for us. Hope you have a lovely weekend. Ros

Gabbi said...

Fan of our yearly advent calendars and loving your share on the snowy weather you're having there... here it's still sort of warm but I still managed to get a cold! :)

Gabbi said...

Meant 'Your' not 'Our' advent calendar!

Anonymous said...

Cute advent calendar! Brrrr..I couldn't imagine walking in that cold weather. You are braver than me...LOL!