Flowers for you today Allegra. x

Look into the fog to see shapes looming and lights glimmering. The same with the future I suppose, you never know quite what will happen, despite what you may want. Hence my dislike of new year's resolutions and the way they tend to give way to situations unseen. I am wondering about this thing I see lots of people doing-picking a word for the year, but even that scares me a bit as it seems so final. What if I change my mind in June?! I am just not that focussed. I did consider 'focus' as my word though as I am not too hot at that. Hmm.

Indecisive and unfocussed people still need bras (well the female ones do), so a trip to Bluewater to spend vouchers was planned. (A huge shopping centre which immediately gives me a headache as soon as I enter it.) However, the carparks were completely full by 11.30, so we went to Canterbury, which is much more atmospheric, and has a big Marks and Spencers where I could spend my vouchers. I also bought some new Christmas lights in Habitat, as I turned my ones on the ladder on this morning, to show my friend, and they blew. Sale bargains, so reasonable and I love the red and blue together. I am sitting in a darkened room with lights glowing all around, the cats asleep by the fire and 'The Good Life' dvd playing. Winter comforts.
P.S. Look at
these! Inspiring.
Indecisive and unfocussed people still need bras- great title for...something! A book of SARAH, I am thinking.- who is/was Allegra?
Greetings and love in the new year Sarah.
Wish I could go to Marks and Sparks too......
Happy New Year... I go for very vague resolutions then I'm less likely to disappoint myself! I tried 'less fear' one year recently... it was enough and it probably did nudge me on a bit to new things.
There is such a magical quality to fog, and your last photo is especially wonderful, Sarah. I don't go in for a lot of new year resolutions, but I do like to choose a wore or phrase as a guideline. I will write more about mine at my place early next week after the holiday. But I can definitely say I'm looking forward to the New Year--this one was tough! We'll be home for New Year's Eve as usual. We like to be home with our kitty Charlie, as he hates the sound of fireworks going off around here. We have some bubbly in the fridge chilling for some excitement though. ;o) I'm looking forward to the New Year! Wishing you & yours much PEACE, LOVE & JOY in 2011! ((HUGS))
I don't think I'll make resolutions this year, as I never keep them!! Even writing them on the blog last year didn't make me keep them. I could do with a trip to M&S for undies too ...... I can do that when we finally get up to Falkirk to visit Stuart (in the 90s we lived five minutes walk from M&S - bliss!!) Happy New Year to you and Andy (and the Cats).
I'm wishing you a fab new year, Sarah.
Here's an idea, you can try picking a word for every three months. Change it out when the season changes.
Those inkblot drawings are amazing. I'd be pleased if I managed just the blot...
I know what you mean about the word. It's always worked well for me in the past and I like to do it for precisely the reason that I do struggle so to commit to any one thing. Helps me focus as you said, 'cause I too struggle with that. I try to pick one that can be quite broadly interpreted though - just so's I don't hem myself in too much ;) Last year it bombed entirely though. 2010 did not sparkle.
I like Shell's idea... maybe that's the way to go? :)
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