Friday, 10 December 2010

make gif

Door number 10 is a genuine door, created without the aid of photoshop. It is Cassie in one of her favourite places-the airing cupboard-though not the kind of airing cupboard with a heating source, but Cassie is not fussy! She gets in there in the morning mainly, so she can observe goings on in the shower. You can see how I have accommodated her by stuffing far too many towels on the top shelf, so I can maintain her little space. Not easy in a house full of too many things such as ours!
So glad it is Friday. This week has gone by in a kind of blur, filled with playdough, Christmas songs, freezing weather and an annoying cold. It has been fun but a bit manic. The weekend will be good I hope, though I have a lot of things to do tomorrow, before going out in the evening. Resolve and a list will get me through-hopefully!
Have a lovely weekend!


snoopydogknits said...

Oh that's so cute! It looks rather like the inside of our airing cupboard, 'chokka block' with towels and bed linen....... except, we don't have a cat to make room for! My week has felt much the same.... a blur! Enjoy the weekend. Only 7 more sleeps!!!!! Ros

Unknown said...

Haha! Love that cat, she just oozes personality.

Leenie said...

Oh, the things we do to accommodate her/his majesty the kitty. Cassie looks very comfortable there in her cupboard. Our Thomas seem to think it's is job to be a movable speed bump. Wherever the action is--he is there to slow down traffic.

aimee said...

this looks like so many of my cabinets (sans cat, as we don't have one)... thank goodness for doors! it's an instant tidy mechanism!

Lynne said...

I know how busy schools get at this time of year. Sorry you're not feeling well. Hope it clears up quickly and that you get everything done and have a good night out tonight.
Love the photo of Cassie.

jabblog said...

Sweet Cassie - what a kind mistress she has :-)
Have a lovely weekend!

Mary S. Hunt said...

today is saturday and we are having a little storm
i hope the cold is better and you get to rest a lot over the next couple of days so you might !

Paula said...

Your doors are so fun. This one cracks me up!

Anonymous said...

Ha! So cute!