Sunday, 15 April 2012

Posh Girls With Silly Names

I bought a copy of 'Tatler' magazine yesterday, because I was intrigued by the picture of Christy Turlington, with a make-up moustache, which was on the front cover. But, once I had looked through it, I was more interested in the society pages near the back, and, while not wishing to be rude about the girls pictured there, who are all very lovely I am sure, was struck by how blonde the majority of them are, how similar they all look, and how some of their names are a little silly sounding. Which all made me want to create my own girls. Fedora Nuance, Tabouleh Pilkington-Mohair, and Apollogia Fencely-Barton, are from my imagination, the others are all roughly (very roughly!) based on the real things. The names are all my own silliness.
I had fun colouring them in photoshop.


Elizabeth said...

What fun!
We have lots of gay men friend here who like to have fun parties and dress up and rename themselves
my favorites:

Hedda Lettus
and Summer Clearance

snoopydogknits said...

Hello there! Just been catching up on your posts as we've been away for two weeks. You've certainly been busy. It's looking great. Love, love, love the lanterns all alight in there! Just the place for tea and cakes and crafty times.
Have a good first week back at school! Ros

Linda Sue said...

Your ladies have way more personality than they must do in real life! They are very appealing and I would call them my friends for sure!
You are so good with faces- you amaze me!

Tracy said...

VERY funny, Sarah... I like the names you came up with, and amusing how they all look the same. How do they do that?! LOL... Happy new week, my friend ((HUGS))

Rachel Fox said...

Oh lord. I went to 6th form (and uni) with some of those girls. Ra, ra, ra!

Janine said...

I love these! I have to say you British sure come up with the best names!

Anonymous said...

Love your silly girls, and I'm very impressed with your progress with the shed!!

Carole Reid said...

These are fun Sarah but I'm sure glad you weren't handing out suggestions for names when my girls were born! :)

Diane Rooney said...

Oh my goodness, Sarah, this made my laugh out loud! I love your names. I recognise them from my private educated school days. And I'm not kidding ;) x

Jenny Woolf said...

Those society pages always seem to be a glimpse into a different universe! Love your sketches.

BonnyBadger said...

How completely weird I nearly bought that for the first time the other day. Love the pics!!!! I think I went to school with most of these!