Sunday, 19 February 2012


Here he is-my first little Amigurumi monster! He is even cuter in real life!
Apparently, 'the pervading aesthetic of Amigurumi is cuteness.' So that's OK then.


Shell said...

Your little monster is adorable.

snoopydogknits said...

Hooray! That's brilliant and VERY cute! Sounds like you've had a pottery half-term, just like me. Glad your puddytat was okay. Vet's bills are pretty horrendous aren't they, but then it's never worth taking the risk of not going. Hope you have a good week. Ros

Leenie said...

Made me smile. Cheered me up. Love the big eyes and the happy, goofy teeth.

→lisa said...

Adorable :D

You're really, really impressing me with your blossoming crochet skills. I've tried teaching myself, but it's been a disaster!

A.Smith said...

That must be the cutest little monster that could never live inside a bad dream. Ah, this kind of monsters should be the only ones to exist.

Are you coming to tea? ;)

Jenny Woolf said...

Oh my goodness! But those yellow stockings are enchanting! :)

Tracy said...

Cuteness and scary monster, oh, my! ;o) He is VERY CUTE, Sarah! I like the bulging eyes and and "wonky" teeth, and colors too. Well done, Sarah! Happy Week ((HUGS))

jabblog said...

He is cute. Has he any relatives??

Anonymous said...

Very, very cute!!

Sarah said...

He is blushing in monster colours! He has no relatives yet but some are in the pipeline-where monsters come from you know!

Carole Reid said...

VERY cute indeed!