A few things I have been making and doing recently. Mainly my making time has been taken up with a crochet blanket that seems to be taking forever and which I am now a bit fed up with and so doing slower. I try to do a few rows a night but over the last week have only done about four. I am determined to finish it though, if only to get rid of all the cotton yarn I have bought!

Before Christmas I bought a Hama beads set which was reduced. I know they are for children but I love them-bright and colourful and quite fun to do if you are a bit tired and can't manage much else. The only other things I have made were three camels, and now I have made three girls too. Here is one of them and her portrait in my journal.

I have got the brusho out again. The colours are so intense and mix beautifully.

A pair of strange girls done in Brighton last weekend. I used Derwent coloursoft pencils which are lovely-soft as they say in the name, and also quite intense colours.

This quote made me laugh.

The felty tree I mentioned the other day and the initial sketch. Also a felt head based on the other sketch-inspired by the rainbow pom-poms which are lovely and felt onto the base well.

More brusho and white gel pen too. Summary of that day!
Off to finish a little felty thing now and have a glass of wine.
I love the Banksy quote:-)
You're very productive, you know - you put me to shame ;-/
Bright and cheerful on this wet grey day in Nanaimo. Thank you for the Bansky quote! Felt and wine make a good combo! Enjoy.
I love seeing all your creations!! I knew you would like the chimneys ...... today I met a 'conceptual artist' - I think she shares our love of quirky things like rust!!
LOVE these peeks into your journals, Sarah! You have such great ideas, and love the supplies you're using too--like the brusho. I got one one of those white gel pens last autumn--they are great fun, aren't they? I want to put white on everything... or gold. ;o) I've not played with Hama beads in a long time, not since my nieces here were little. I should get some just for me--haha! Many thanks for the studio tour love. I'm not sure I'm a natural behind the camera yet, but making the video posts are great fun! Sending extra LOVE this Valentine's week, my friend ((HUGS))
Cool post. Love the colours and variety here. Fantastic! That tree is enchanting, magical.
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