'That Funny Story' is what Jack calls the Three Billy Goats Gruff. We love that story! Though today the three pigs has come a close second. Before we started I told the kids the wolf was really hungry and asked them what they thought he would want to eat. It turns out that he eats mainly fruit!

After a long day I love coming home to sweet cats.
Cassie is cuddling El Gato-a catnip filled fabric cigar, after a long
day looking out of the window.
Oh these drawings bring so much joy... laughing until I wet 'em...Every kitty needs a good cigar after a day spent looking out of the window...exhausting work.
cute cute cute
of course they eat fruit
Lovely pictures, and of course every cat needs to chill out with a catnip cigar... Love it
Love the children's drawings - how many legs does a goat have? or perhaps that's an attempt to show the goats trip-trapping over the bridge.
Cassie looks so sweet with her sparkling white socks.
I've said it before - I want to come and be one of your pupils .... they have so much fun while learning!!
Nothing I like better than children's art. Your students are the best! I wish I could be there to hear the stories first hand. Wish we could teach the wolves in our mountains to eat fruit. The cattle ranchers would be happy. But then the farmers would be mad that the wolves were helping the deer diminish the crops.
Hehe on the catnip and cat. Our Thomas knows exactly where we keep our stash and will appear out of nowhere when he hears/smells it.
I love that story and I've never seen a better picture of a goat! Have a lovely weekend xx
Your display looks lovely!Those stories never fail to please. By the time they hit year 3, they just adore the altered versions of these tales. Aww! Cassie looks so snuggly. Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Oh how fun. The kids pictures are so darn cute! (as is the kitty, of course!)
Those drawings are so cute! I agree, nothing like coming home to sweet kitties!
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