Monday, 22 November 2010

Misty Tower, Legs, and where not to put your head.

This is The Shard. Taken late on Saturday night when we were on the way home from a drink and rant in the pub with Clare and Gary. It is going to be pretty spectacular with a sunset on it I think. Though I do quite like it in the misty brown drizzle. These two men in their lovely purple kilts caught my eye on the way out earlier. They looked most swish. I wondered where they were off to and would it involve Sottish Country dancing? I like the Gay Gordons-a circle dance and the only one I can do, but wish I was better at the others.

This is later again-I love the blurry phone picture of glamourous legs. I might seem like a bit of a weirdo following people around taking photos of their legs I suppose, but I like the results.
I was doing some work this evening when I looked up and this is the scene I saw. It just made me laugh!


Linda Sue said...

"care in a crisis" Oh dear I do hope the kitties will be Ok...I love the leg shots- trippy! One of these days I hope to ring you up and say meet me at the pub...sigh....

rebecca said...

love love love the shadow dreamy legs...great capture.
like something from a dream...or under water.

Leenie said...

That is one long, tall, amazing building! You'll have to get it in a sunset sometime for certain. Love the legs. Good looking guy legs in kilts are definitely most swish! I'd have followed them to get photos for sure!

Kitties are masters at relaxing. Still smiling about that photo.

And I sort of made the fig and cinnamon cake. It turned out delicious and filled the house with the greatest scents. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Love those cats, very cute.
Your men in the kilts had me thinking Scottish Country Dancing, good idea photographing legs in motion, they look cool.

Noelle Clearwater said...

Love all the photos, the leg shots are great, the building fantastic, but I especially love the kitties. I adore the pose and the happenstance of the RedCross bag. Brilliant, really. Lovely post.

Anonymous said...

Love the le shots - I will have to get Stuart to put his kilt on, so I can take photos for you!!

snoopydogknits said...

Good evening Sarah. I love the glamorous legs shot and those sweet pussy cats. Men in kilts...... hmmm! Ros