Sunday, 27 October 2013

My Helper

Cassie has been learning to felt a stone with me.
(Thanks Linda Sue for the idea and the tips)
Here she is, sitting on the still damp towel. 
She doesn't care. 
She wants to learn. 

 She really didn't see the difference between the toy tigers and herself. In fact she is better as she is a real one. And she loves the camera!

Lens right in her face. No problem! 


Jenny Woolf said...

What a lovely cat! And obviously good natured, too! :)

Linda Sue said...

I am thinking that if you put some catnip inside the felted thing she might enjoy felting a whole lot more!
She is quite the most photogenic cat ever, much more so than those other tigers.

Diane Rooney said...

Hi Sarah, what a laid back cat! She's totally chilled lol

Dawn (Rattling On) said...

Dying to know what the tigers are for!!
Cassie is just lovely, a supermodel amongst cats.

Sarah said...

I was just playing. I seem to have accumulated many tigers! I also have monkeys, alligators and elephants. I was toying with the idea of making counting pictures for school. There has to be some practical use for all these collections!

Leenie said...

What a good friend and companion Cassie must be. I love the emotion she can express with just her ears. Yes, I'll bet your students would love to get their hands on some of your creature collections.

lisa lewicki hermanson said...

Love your approach to blogging, just checked out your former blog "Outside of Sarah" - I agree, blogging takes you out of yourself.
May try a journal posting project at some point, when I can find the time !