Friday 24 August 2012

Faces and Clouds

I have been working on dolls again after a long gap. A friend of mine is opening a vintage clothing shop in October and is interested in some of the things I make, These four dolls have taken me nearly a week to make-a day to sew and stuff, another day on the dresses, one on their cardigans and one on their faces and hair. A labour of love more than one for profit I think! I have enjoyed making them though, so am not complaining. I hope my friend likes them! I will show you them all when completed.
The clouds were last night and I thought they were lovely so am sharing them too.


Jenny Woolf said...

I love watching clouds. It's surprising how different skies can be from each other, day by day, and sunset or sunrise always makes it more beautiful.

Elizabeth said...

Brilliant clouds!

Unknown said...

Love those clouds, and you are so clever with your dolls.

snoopydogknits said...

Fab cloud shots! Can't wait to see the complete dolls. What an exciting project. Enjoy the last week of freedom. It's gone way too fast for my liking. Ros