I keep forgetting that this is now my classroom and I do not have to move again. It is a nice classroom in terms of light and size. But it has been a struggle making sense of it because there is virtually no storage, and every wall has a door, a radiator or a window getting in the way. We have an awful lot of stuff despite having thrown away a lot. The things we have kept are largely ok, but as I said, there is nowhere to put them. We will be getting some more storage eventually, and this will mean more hours of rearranging and sorting when there is really no time for that kind of thing in the day or after school. The good things about the room are that there are toilets and a sink! Basics really but as we haven't had those in our classrooms for the last two years they seem like luxuries. So who needs coat pegs and cupboards, or a draining board when you have toilets and a sink?! Below are a few pictures of the nearly finished article, with some areas still to tweak. The first lot of kids were in today and that went pretty well so all good really.
Cassie had a blood test last night and I should get the results on Thursday. She may then have to have an x-ray. She was absolutely petrified at the vet's and when he got the shaver out to shave her neck for the needle she was shaking. I had to hold her head while he made a first attempt as the nurse was busy. She moved and he only got a little blood. So then the nurse came and held her much more firmly so he could get enough. You should have seen her face afterwards! Anyway, she seemed fine when she came home so fingers crossed.
My chair, visual timetable, weather chart and behaviour chart.
Humpty Dumpty ready for action!
The music area complete with child puppets.
The book corner with my home made cushions.
The afternoon children put all the animals to bed and used the cushions as pillows.
My desk and the desk we are going to let the children use. Next door's teacher didn't want a desk so we have two. Last year the kids were always wanting to sit at my desk so this year they have their own! It is tidier than this tonight. The new teacher is great. Very easy to work with and full of good ideas. The whole team we have in the foundation stage are good. We are working together much more as we are sharing a large outdoor area. It is still a bit of a work in progress but we are getting there!
Such a bright and colorful space. Your little ones should find this a fun place to spend their time. Well done!
I would love to go to school there, even though the outside is not appealing. The colours are bright and cheerful- love the puppets and cushions! I hope that little Cassie cat will get over this trauma, I hope that she be well! xxxooo Glad to hear about new teacher! YAY!
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