Sunday 5 June 2011

How They Turned Out

Here are the results of yesterday's experiments. I love how the picture turned out, the bead bird (from a bought mould), the hands, the poppy seed head and the poodle. The rings need more work!

The question is, what to do with them?


jabblog said...

I see a story developing . . .
They're great - I bet you're pleased with them:-)

snoopydogknits said...

They lkook great! Love the textures and the light. So...... another episode still to come :-) Ros

ArtSparker said...

Fun stuff.

Janine said...

Wonderful!!! They came out great!

Now tell me how you painted your recent banner?

Unknown said...

These are great. I love the picture, the textures are fantastic.

Tracy said...

FABULOUS result, Sarah! What fun... I can see these as a "story" collage...hhhmmm... Can't wait to see what you do with these! Happy Week ((HUG))

rebecca said...

you THRILL me!


Anne said...

Hi, Sarah! I love your resin experiments! I think they would look great in a collage of some kind! They are already looking pretty terrific on the background you used to photograph them! :-)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a good start to your Christmas gift stash?!

Anonymous said...

Neat! I love these embellishments.

Serenata said...

I really like that you experiment with different mediums like you do. So very inspiring and interesting. Christmas cracker gifts?

Sarah said...

Thanks for all the comments-and ideas! They are whirring around in my brain now!