Monday, 9 January 2012


Unwatch is the latest in must have accessory, for the woman who has too much to do and not enough time to do it in. No need to worry anymore, as now you can wear your unwatch, and time ceases to matter! The unwatch was developed when I found out how to crochet circles. The name only occurred to me after it was on my wrist-and may have had to do with the fact I had just been reading the 'Unclutterer' blog. (Just visited to get the link and there is a post about an art project about Barbie trashing her dreamhouse which looks brilliant at a quick glance).

As you can see, it is impossible to tell the time on your unwatch.

I think I will wear one at weekends.

Here is a link to the Flickr stream of Carrie Becker the artist mentioned above.


Carole Reid said...

Your "unwatch" rocks!

Lynne said...

What a great idea. I love the name too. It reminds me of some sewn watches I've seen on Hen House blog.

Queenie Believe said...

Fun! The weekend get-away watch :o)
Have a great day,
Always, Queenie

A.Smith said...

I refuse to wear a watch, the presumption of "canning" time in a tin has always bothered me since I was a child - a rebel child, I must add. But I would most certainly wear this. I can see it done in several bright colors to remind me that it is the "watch" to set time free. Lovely!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant idea - I should make one for one of my friends, who hardly ever wears a watch!

sallybailey said...

Please please please open an Un-watch Etsy Shop, and I will be your first customer!

Rachel Fox said...

Excellent. I stopped wearing a watch when we were travelling last year. Somehow it's just never gone back on. Most people get the time off their phones now anyway... the watch's days are numbered!

jabblog said...

Brilliant! Your unwatch is much more attractive than some watches I've seen.
I haven't worn a watch for years but generally know what the time is to within 15 minutes or so.

Linda Sue said...

LOVE your concept of crochet time - Very Cool- also can serve s a wrist warmer- double good!
Carrie's work is hilarious and SO REAL I have the same reaction as when I watch the real deal! GAG! HORROR!
Her bathroom is perfect!
What a great find!

Sarah said...

I am pleased that the unwatch has proved so popular!

→lisa said...

It would also make a good watch cozy/watchwarmer for these cold winter months. I don't want my watch to catch a chill.

My watch battery died a few months ago, and I haven't bothered to have it replaced yet. I can never do it myself, so I have to take it to a special watch's just enough of a pain that it's oh so easy to put off doing.

(Oh, and Happy New Year, Sarah!)

Tracy said...

GORGEOUS, Sarah! I love the soft color of wool you've used for these--great work crocheting! I like the idea of these, of just not wearing a watch. I find when I don't have a timepiece so handy, I am more relaxed. ;o) Happy Day ((HUGS))