Tuesday, 17 January 2012


Winter sunshine is my favourite kind. Cassie agrees. This photo has a name-I name most of the photos used on my blog and find myself using the same unimaginative ones over and over again-which I suppose shows my interests. I keep photos on my desktop until I have used them, or decide not to, and the names help me find them quickly. This one has been on there for ages waiting to be shown. It is called 'Goldeneye'. I loved the way that Cassie's eyes are almost the same colour as the gold part on the cushion behind her. This picture is the odd one out, as there is nothing shiny about it. It is a very mundane subject but one I love. It is the sponges we use to clean up in the creative area at work-the area with the paints, playdough, collage, water and sand, amongst other things. When I have finished the last bit of tidying in this area at the end of each day, and then the end of my week there (we work in a four weekly rota of areas to set up and work in), I rinse out the sponges in hot water, squeeze them, line them all up the same way around then squeeze them into their wire holder. I love things to be neat and tidy-though you wouldn't believe it sometimes, and like the subtle changes of colour in the sponges. There is something to enjoy in the tiniest of tasks if you look hard enough! The texture I have used is one of Kim Klassen's and is called 'Embrace' which is quite appropriate for the subject. Looking again, I see that the wire is shiny.

This morning it was icy on the rubber matting outside, so I had to go to fetch rock salt from the other playground. The frost was glistening in the sun on top of the bin, making this quite ugly object quite beautiful.


Linda Sue said...

cassie and the sponges are my absolute jaw dropping faves! Amazing eyes- I wonder if she sees gold light everywhere all the time? AWESOME!!!

Unknown said...

I really like how you have captured Cassie's eyes, she looks almost Egyptian.

The textures shot is fabulous, I love how you have used KK textures.

Jenny Woolf said...

Goldeneye - a beautiful photograph. I always like the way unexpected tricks of light can turn something dull into something wonderful.

Tracy said...

Just love your keen eye for details, Sarah... Cassie's golden eyes glow with that background...this is a really lovely cat portrait! :o) Happy Day ((HUGS))

Leenie said...

The camera loves your friend Cassie. The angle of the light through the sparkly salt does make an otherwise common object quite beautiful. I like how your schoolyard has plenty of view of the open sky.

Your grass is still green~~seems odd how your weather is so mild even though you're so far north.

snoopydogknits said...

Love the pic of Cassie. The colours are fabulous! Ros