Thursday, 5 January 2012

Holland Part 3-New Year's Day

It was lovely to go to the beach on the first day of the year. A cold wind was blowing as we walked across the sands towards the pier. We were asked to take our swimming costumes as it is a new year tradition to jump into the cold North Sea. I had no intention of jumping into the sea, but as it turned out there was a huge number of new year dippers predicted, so we decided not to-and anyway none of us really felt up to it. We arrived at the beach quite late, as the crowds were beginning to leave. Luckily there were still some bathers around. This whole family stood and got changed, then held hands to run into the sea. A bracing sight! They literally ran in, then ran straight out again-no lingering on such a cold day!

We carried on under the pier, towards the cosy cafes. On the way we saw some more swimmers, the last of the official ones, who get a fetching orange hat to wear-a badge of honour I would think!


The pretty and cosy cafe where we had lunch. Open fires and tasty carbohydrates to ease the day after the night before feeling.

A lonely bike I saw on the way back to the car. Dutch bikes are very upright and take a bit of getting used to, but are then really comfortable, like riding a comfy chair.


Lynne said...

Rather them than me. They do that sort of thing in the North East of England too.

Unknown said...

Happy new year! Stay warm is what I say :)

Carole Reid said...

Brrrrr.....what a cool memory for that family!
I'd like to ride that Dutch bike.

snoopydogknits said...

Brrrrrrrrrrrrr! That happens quite a lot around our local coast! Looks like you had a great time. Ros

Rachel Fox said...

Yes, they do it in Scotland too (the NYD "dook").

jabblog said...

I can't even tolerate a cold shower . . .

Anonymous said...

Wow! There is no way I'd get anywhere near that cold water. We'd have to nix that tradition...LOL! The beach there is beautiful!