Or the artichoke than the hyacinth. I don't really-I think they are all beautiful, but the Withnail quote came into my mind as I bought these two artichokes mainly for their beauty. I will try to cook them in a couple of days so as not to be wasteful, but until then I will enjoy looking at them on the table.

Next to them are two wet felted rocks and a wet felted ball. I have not tried this technique before and was encouraged by a very interesting little felting book bought in the charity shop at the weekend. The purple rock was more successful, the other one not at all but I will take it off the rock and see what I can do with it.
After finding these tutoials I may try felting with the children. Especially the bag one-it looks really easy to do and gets good results.
I love artichokes too
a wonderful memory
of eating them
freshly purchased
at the veggie stall
(really - they are flowers)
baguette in bag
a handsome Frenchman
at my side
in Paris
I had just turned 22...
now the felt balls
look like stones to me...
the whole thing
gorgeous, delightful...
so lovely to visit you,
xox - eb.
oh gosh!
swept away
I was
by this memory
the stones are INSIDE
once opened
will they make
tiny bowls?
xox - eb.
Most beautiful vegetables, and these are particularly fine specimens.
Those vegetables look much better than they taste. I like the exotic colors and I like your soft rocks.
If you take the rock out by making a small hole in the felt and blanket stitching around the hole it will make a nice little vessel, or ear ring holder...Your chokes are such a nice colour- we only have green ones.
You always have such interesting projects going on Sarah. I wonder if artichokes make good organic dye for fabrics or felted balls?
I like the wet felting in a bag - I must try that ...... much less mess!! You can also wet felt round polystyrene balls to make ornaments - use a long needle to add string to hang them.
Wow purple articokes!! They are beautiful. I've only run across green ones here in the states.
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie
The color in the artichokes is stunning. I'm not a huge fan of artichokes though I will eat them. Looking at them sounds much more pleasant as I love their lines.
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