Thursday, 28 January 2010


As well as drawing at home I draw at work a lot, and for work. I like drawing for children, with them and alongside them. We have great conversations through drawing-the different ways that we all see the world is apparent through what we draw. This week we planned a storytelling activity based on very simple line drawings to represent family. I started with the afternoon carpet today by just getting out the Mum, Dad, boy and girl. I just wanted to see what the children thought so I asked who these people were. Straight away one of them said "That's my Mum!" I find it fascinating that a simple stick figure is so obviously representing something universal. As for the storytelling we didn't get very far today-but we did establish that they live in a house and that Lucien-a new child this term, has a chinchilla! Not unrelated as we were talking about pets by this time. I will see what happens tomorrow! I just like this drawing of a tree that I did out in the garden one day so I am using it!


The last few evenings have been taken up with visiting OWOH blogs and I am only on number 101! It is very time consuming but fun to see so many new ones! I have a growing list of blogs to revisit. In between times I have been working on another drawing/painting for the Misty Mawn class. This one is done with a water soluble 8b pencil and white acrylic. I found it very hard to control which made it interesting. Not sure about the result-I think another very beautiful girl has been Sarahed! Oh dear.


Anonymous said...

why do my simple lines never come out looking like that?

Anonymous said...

I love your tree!

snoopydogknits said...

I love the way you write about school. It's so..........'as it is'! It makes me smile. We had another day without children today, as a main water pipe had burst. We stayed and did bits and pieces, before leaving for home.... no water, so no loo flushing etc. So, a leisurely start to the weeekend. GREAT!I LOVE Murakami books by the way. Have you read 'The Wind-up Bird Chronicle? My favourite, I think. Ros

Anne said...

Hi, Sarah! I like the faces that you've been drawing for Misty Mawn's class. Sorry I haven't popped by to comment lately, but I have been lurking! Hope you and yours are doing well! :-)

rochambeau said...

You draw well!
It is harder to make a statement with few lines, yet you seem to have this talent
