Tuesday 6 April 2021

Village Life in the CIty

A village with hundreds of apartments that are continuing to be built. It is quiet though, so that at least is village like. And it has green space and the river, so I think it would be a nice place to live. But not really a village!



Linda Sue said...

A pile of Grenfell towers? Unattractive, instant ghettos- but then I am used to seeing that sort of development going up here in the land of poor taste, so as normal as that sort of project looks to us, it looks very out of place there.

River said...

Hundreds of apartments all crammed together certainly doesn't say Village to me. But at least there are trees and green spaces.

Steve Reed said...

Yeah, not my idea of a village!

Fresca said...

"Vertical Village"...?
Nice sidewalk pattern anyway.

Jenny Woolf said...

I have to say my heart would sink if I had to live in a place like that. I think they call it a village to make it stop sounding as if it is a battery farm for humans! does that sound cynical of me?!