Thursday, 8 December 2011

The Giveaway That Time Forgot

A strange photo of Cassie's back leg that made me laugh the other night. The brown thing is the very expensive 'El Gato', a cloth cigar of the finest cuban catnip known to cat, and a very popular choice in toy, so much so that we have three, though I don't know where they all are. All the cats have lots of aliases. One of Cassie's is Pip Pip-which stems from her energetic and mad little personality. This has developed into Pippi and then Pippi Long Paw-can you see why?!

Anyway, the giveaway. Time may not really have forgotten it, but I did. I remembered last night, and wrote all the names on pieces of post-it. Cassie knocked most of them on the floor this morning-if she had knocked four I would have chosen those, but unfortunately she can't count, and had also forgotten about the giveaway. Anyway, I picked four tonight and here they are!
Linda Sue
Please email me your addresses and I will send your little book off soon. I hope you like them!


Carole Reid said...

Yay! Exciting for me! Thank you!

Cassie's back leg and tail make a beautiful heart.

Lynne said...

Isn't it funny, but our dogs have several nicknames too, tho' I think I prefer aliases. I hadn't thought other people did the same. I find I have to get to know them a while before they get their nicknames.

Janine said...

I am excited Sarah! I sent you my addy.

Thank you!

Unknown said...

Thanks Sarah, that's so exciting I will email you my address details.
Love the photo of Cassie's and her long leg, no wonder you call her Pippi Long Paw.

Leenie said...

Woohoo for the winners and thanks for the smile from the kitty-paw photo. Linda Sue is up to her neck in Christmas projects and plans for a trip. If she doesn't check in soon--I have her addresses.

Linda Sue said...

Pip Pip is an excellent name! Congratulations ME!!! YAY! and Hooray! Yes my address is the same
201 bayside place.
B'ham wa 98225
Thank you Ms. Sarah! Today is the sale as well as tomorrow, when that is finished I will be packing for tropics!

Anairam said...

Hahaha - Pippi Long-Paw - that is clever! I also really liked that xmas fairy bravely clinging to the tree ...

A.Smith said...

If we were to give Colette a "cigar"
she would fly from the second floor under her own power. The one and only time she got some catnip she tore through the stairs as if on fire, rolled all over the place and if a cat could laugh, I swear that was what she was doing.

She was up for a while, then snored her night away keeping us up which wasn't particularly charming of her. Every time the man who spoils her rotten suggest catnip for the garden I just gave that look that would make an elephant step on the breaks.

I love Pippi Long-Paw! now you would have to knit her a pair or two in this case, of stripped leggings, wouldn't you?

Rattling On said...

The cats can only have small toys when we're with them these days. A while ago the little dog was very poorly... in the end she 'got rid of' 3 toy mice and a squeaky ball. We wondered where everything was going...
Lucky winners of your giveaway!