Monday 10 January 2011


Having semi-chosen this word I have had it in my head for a few days now, and been thinking about it a lot. What came to me yesterday in a flash of awareness is that it is not focus that I lack but time. Also that I have a conflicting personality, in that I love to collect and gather things, far too many things I do know that, for me to ever realistically use. At the same time I love to be organised, know where stuff is and I love to store things in categories. I have worked towards this in the last year but again the problem of too much stuff recurs. Too much stuff includes too many interests, hence my feeling of wanting to focus. I don't think that there is anything wrong with lots of interests, except for the problem of also working full time, and having a job that doesn't stop when I come home so eats into my time to pursue my interests. I have been doing little things that are helping me to feel more in control of all this chaos.

1. Went through my blog roll and removed lots of blogs that I don't often look at. I still have lots-and lots (!) of favourites and have added a few more in the last few days, but at least I feel the ones there will be used.

2. I have started to go through a pile of magazines from freecycle last year and actually cut out and save those parts I want, and recycle the rest.

3. Number 2 led me to reconsider my journals/notebooks/sketch books and add a new one that I have meant to do for ages. More on this later.

4. Spent fractionally less time on the internet-as I realize that although I love it, it eats into the time when I could be doing/making/working. So if I have not visited you it is not because I don't want to, it is because I am trying a new timetable in my head!
Then I came across this article on Seth Godin's blog. Please read it, it is short and it is interesting! I love reading what he has to say, as he always makes me think. He scares me a bit too as he is not a wishy washy sort like me, but cuts through the waffle and tells it how it is. What he says here about hiding is so true! I like this activity-don't get me wrong-but the internet and all its wonderful journeys, is also the procrastinator's best friend-and I am top procrastinator at times. The thing that made me laugh though, is the tool he talks about-'Freedom'. This is an application that you purchase. Its purpose is to allow you freedom to get on and do stuff. How this is done is by preventing you access to the internet for however long you tell it to and voila! Freedom! (You can reboot if you want to get back online but they say that this is going to put people off) I am hoping that I am not that far gone a case, that I can't simply switch it off! Freedom sounds like the nicotine patch for the truly cyber addicted. So that I can put my money where my mouth is, I am going to not look at the internet until tomorrow! I have two posts planned but I am going to resist them until Tuesday. So now I have an afternoon of work ahead of me, then an evening of knitting and reading, and watching telly-ok I admit it, I can't do without all of it! So, see you tomorrow!
P.S. I am on Andy's computer as I have not got time to get mine out and am off to work soon. (Lunch time after PPA morning at home) So choice of pictures is limited. Above are some little dolls enjoying freedom of a sort-sitting on a bench in the sun!)


Tracy said...

WONDERFUL post, Sarah! Focus... that is a great word for the artistic person to chew on. I've been having a bit of a re-focus session since the holiday too, and doing much as you are doing--culling old papers, magazines, books, neglected craft supplies, etc. I've also been reducing my blog-reading list too. Can't do it all, can't read it all. So I'll be paring things down more too as the next weeks go. Enjoy FOCUS-ing on what you love! :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

Paula said...

I love this post. Seems that you wrote it for me as well as yourself. The last couple of years I have chosen a word of the year and Focus is the one that I have been kicking around this year but wasn't sure I was completely happy with it. You spelled it all out perfectly!
And now, I must get off this computer, without the help of FREEDOM - lol - and get busy!
Have a happy day~

Anonymous said...

I agree, it is difficult to focus when there are so many things to do, so many things to try, places to go etc etc. I am fairly good at curtailing my time online, and I do try to keep my blog list under control - it is so easy to keep adding another one and another one!

Linda Sue said...

I would say you have loads of focus, and energy! working full time and arting as much as you do and being SARAH! Takes a lot of focus. "focus" is a word that rarely comes up for me because i simply do not have it.Love the girls on the bench!

jabblog said...

I admire your ability to focus so well. You achieve far more than I ever accomplished when I was working full-time so I think you're being quite hard on yourself. As for all your interests - they are what make you the personality you are. That's why we enjoy reading you :-)
ps: I like the little dolls enjoying the sun. It's good to see they're wearing warm garments, though;-)

snoopydogknits said...

Ha ha! This is just soooo as it is!!! Love it! I waste way too much time on the internet, but I love it and it is a real stress buster. Both surfing and knitting make me be much more economical with my time allocated to school stuff. This has been a move in the right direction, as I was spending way, way too much of my time doing school work. That's what I'm telling myself, anyway!! Have a good week. Ros

Lori Saul said...

I love your dolls Sarah- they represent play and enchantment- a much need factor in - trying to focus. I love this post as I am feeling a need to clear out, re-organize and focus on 'less is more' too. (Love that saying). Is it this time of year that we all have a yearning to put things in order, to re- align with our most important goals- maybe. I too find that there are so many interests and possibilities open to us now that it is hard to find time to actually "create". I seem to be always in the mode of "preparing" to create. Not good I know... Anyway love your post- you have set up for some good inner thinking and inspiration to us all!

Sarah said...

Thanks Tracy! And Paula-glad we have had the same thoughts and it will be fun to see how we do! YOu are right Anne! Thanks Linda Sue! Thanks Janice! I shall continue to do lots of things I think as I can't help it! The girls on the bench are lucky as they are in the summer!
I completely aggee Ros-I felt something was missing last night-I love the internet! And I agree about the school work too-it could be a never ending job and you have to draw-or knit-the line somewhere!
Thanks Lori-I know what you mean about that 'preparing to create' feeling. I have the opposite too where I have leapt in and started, but with about five different projects-and my house is a big mess!

Anairam said...

Oh, good word! Focus and presence (my word) are related in a way, I think. So true about the Internet - I am training myself - but it is a slow process - I so love to browse around. I definitely feel the need to DO and MAKE more things.

Anonymous said...

I love the internet and probably spend too much time on it as well. I seem to always put things on the back burner that I shouldn't because of it. I am a big organizer so I'm always on the computer messing with my pictures, music, movies. I really need to step back and take a break. Maybe when Spring comes....