Wednesday, 5 January 2011

A day in the life...

I watched this little story unfold this afternoon. Jamila was the person orchestrating the action, and she would give me little two word descriptions of what was happening to the man. With my liking for miniature scenes I enjoyed taking the pictures, and Jamila was interested to look at the results. You may find some scenes in the story contravene health and safety good practice, but I am not sure if they understand health and safety in the world of play people. In the tunnel-not a good idea so..
..onto the platform. But nowhere is safe...

Near miss!
Let's take it up a notch and sit on the top of the tunnel!
My friend is such a copycat!

Maybe these signs are here for a reason?

What a day. Time for a nap.


jabblog said...

What a lovely little play, Sarah!

Elizabeth said...

Definitely time for a nap!
Happy new year dear Sarah!

Linda Sue said...

I see that some signs are good for bonking over...that train car was just looking for love.

Leenie said...

A big day for one so small. I'm glad he survived. He looks a little empty-headed.

Paula said...

I can see how a nap was in order after such a dangerous day. Glad he managed to avoid disaster~

Unknown said...

Happy New Year, what a lot of fun that play time was.

Tracy said...

haha... very fun, Sarah! And a nap sound like a good idea...zzz... ;o) Happy Day ((HUGS)... P.S. LOVE the doll in your previous post and your knitting! :o)

Anonymous said...
