Sunday, 25 April 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

Shadowy lino cut.
Tiny purple pansies that survived the year
and have emerged from the shadows behind the wooden lady.
Beautiful Lily sitting on the wooden hair, casting a shadow on the bricks.
That cat knows how to pose!
Spotty leaves of a weed that is all over the garden.
Shadows on a drawing I did at school this week whilst talking to Lucien. He asked me what I was drawing and I explained it was the flats over the road. The caption at the bottom is Lucien's.
For more shadow shots from around the world, visit HeyHarriet here.


Hey Harriet said...

These are all so wonderful. Linocut shadows, cute kitty shadows...and that drawing is cute! The caption is funny!

Oh and I very much like the sound of English Penguin biscuits! I've never heard of them but I'm betting they're tasty :) Hope you have a great week Sarah :)

Mary S. Hunt said...

LOVE the statue lily is 'posing' upon!!!

Anonymous said...

A wonderful set of random shadow shots! I really like the kitty!

jabblog said...

Lovely shadow shots! Who mentioned Penguins? P-p-p-Pick up a Penguin . . . ;-)

Anonymous said...

A super collection of shadow shots - yes, even the one with Lily!!

Ariana said...

Beautiful pictures and drawing too. :3

Victoria said...

Wow..the cat photo is super beautiful..! Fabulous shots!

Tracy said...

Fun shadow plays, Sarah... I really love the photo of sweet Lily... Happy Week ((HUGS))

Candace said...

Sarah, these are so fun. I so love Lily's photo AND the hair statue she is posing on. The linocut is great!
Have a great great week.
Candace x Still in Athens

Linda Sue said...

Your kitty shot is amazing- it should be famous! It is the best ever!

aimee said...

Your linocuts/prints are awesome! I really want to try this someday!

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Lily!

BonnyBadger said...

love the cat sitting on Anthony's sculpture!! Also - great SHROOM!

Rattling On said...

The picture of Lily is beautiful.

Deirdra Doan said...

PS...need anything from the USA? Art supply or something?

Kim Carney said...

What is that spotted leaf, don't think I have seen that before?