Thursday, 12 November 2015

Craft Fair

Last weekend was the craft fair with my Dad. It was in this little hall in the hamlet of Stubb's Cross (apparently the name means that there was a gallows there). I went down early on Saturday to set up, and left my stuff there for the Sunday. I took my Mum there on Sunday for the last bit of the afternoon. The last one I did here was very quiet and I didn't sell much. It was quiet this weekend too but I did sell quite a few things and didn't do too badly. I wasn't really doing it for the money, more to spend a day with Dad. I enjoyed the weekend but was really tired as I spent quite a lot of it driving! I went to get Andy late on Saturday night as he had been out in Kent with my brother. We drove back at about midnight and it was fantastic! Hardly anything on the roads and street lit motorway nearly all the way home, plus the radio (which I have only recently got back in my car) was playing really good music. Perfect driving!

My Dad escaping from the camera!
 My stall. I sold some cards, all but one of my hedgehogs, a doll, some trees and a Christmouse. 
 My Dad's stall. 

 There are sheep in the field next to the hall. I am not sure what breed they are but they are beautifully rounded looking. They are sheltering from the rain here.

 I am doing another fair with Dad in December. It is in a place called Staplehurst. My aunt and uncle live there and it is in the church next door to where they live. I am looking forward to it, and am, yet again, busy making stuff. School is really busy at the moment (when isn't it?) but I am trying my best to fit it all in.


Linda Sue said...

you are so very ambitious! I guess you can sleep when you are dead, right? Wonderful table of treasure, both yours and your father's. And of course the round sheep are endearing! Good Job, Miss!

jabblog said...

Well done, both you and your Dad. Such talent in your family!

andamento said...

Lovely stalls, I especially like your Dad's wood turning. Did he sell much? Does he have an etsy shop? So nice that you can do craft fairs together.

snoopydogknits said...

Both your stalls looked great. Your Dad makes some lovely things! I would have bought a little hedgehog too. Ros

obiherbal said...

hard to believe I am very happy to be joined commented here, it makes an experience for me si iom

pengobatan untuk sembuhkan rabun jauh,obat penetral asam lambung tinggi tradisional,obat gondok,obat penghilang benjolan di kepala tradisional,obat penghilang abses payudara tradisional,cara jitu membersihkan jerawat batu pada wajah,cara jitu membersihkan komedo membandel pada wajah,cara ampuh mengatasi minyak berlebih pada wajah,cara menghilangkan benjolan di selangkangan,cara alami mengelupas sel kulit pada wajah,cara mengatasi warna kulit tidak merata,multivitamin untuk mencegah penuaan dini,obat infeksi kelenjar air liur tradisional,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan gagal jantung,obat penghilang kista ginjal tradisional,obat penghilang perut kembung dan begah tradisional,obat mata floaters tradisional,obat penghilang benjolan di bawah dagu tradisional,obat pereda radang gusi tradisional,obat pereda nyeri punggung tradisional,cara mengatasi kelainan tulang lordosis,cara mudah dan sehat membakar lemak di perut,obat penyakit silikosis tradisional,suplemen pembakar lemak tercepat,ganoderma plus capsule,cara alami menyembuhkan mata buram,pengobatan untuk sembuhkan gagal ginjal akut,obat penghilang nyeri punggung tradisional,tips alami mengangkat sel kulit mati di wajah,obat pereda vertigo tradisional,pengobatan tradisional penyakit pneumonia,obat pereda sakit pinggang tradisional,obat pereda asam lambung tinggi tradisional,pengobatan tradisional kanker nasofaring,pengobatan tradisional paru-paru kering,pengobatan tradisional mata bintitan,pengobatan tradisional kuku cantengan,obat pelebur batu ginjal tradisional,cara menyembuhkan alergi seafood,obat adenomyosis tradisional,pengobatan tradisional penurun darah tinggi (hipertensi),pengobatan tradisional cerebral palsy,

Obiuser said...

good job gan,artikel ini sangat menarik sekali untuk disimak,keren deh ,,tentunya kami mempunyai wawasan baru yang kami dapatkan setelah membacanya,thanx yah :-)
obat kolik abodemen