Monday 26 September 2011

Birds, Sky, Sea,

Just a few more Dungeness photos!


Anonymous said...

I love the photo of the birds .... and I'm sure you added the one of the arrow just to make me jealous!!

Linda Sue said...

Loving them ALL! What a wonderful day! Of course the arrow , prize of the day, makes my coveting go into overdrive! The shark is a lovely thing- all dressed up in dots. Beautiful SAND! I would let my feet enjoy that! No matter the temperature- we have rocks and pebbles on our beaches- not so nice for barefeet.

Leenie said...

Another shot of sea air and sun sparkle. Thanks, thanks, from one who is hundreds of miles from an ocean.

Elizabeth said...

Gosh, jolly BLUE for England.
Loved the photo of the canvas windbreak.
Not much seen here

jabblog said...

You had a really good day!
"The common cormorant or shag
Lays eggs inside a paper bag"
- great photos:-)