One last thing-when I googled colour earlier I found this-a fascinating guide to html and colour.
Oh well, enough rattling on for tonight. I have a kitten to play with! Visit Yiota for more inspiring words.
Kitten update-things are going unbelievably well! At one point this evening all three cats were lined up at the food bowls. At another point the kitten jumped within centimetres of Tiger who only gave her a bad look, didn't even hiss. At the moment all three are being quiet and relaxed at various points around the sitting room. I still cannot decide on a name-Toffee and Alice both occurred to me tonight. Andy poo pooed Toffee but looked interested in Alice. Earlier he suggested Buster! I think it might be Alice.
Sweet spring like...and your class looks cute..
Well fancy that! I have just been reading your comment on my post for yesterday (thank you), while waiting for my photos to upload onto todays post on colour! What a coincidence.
I like your paint palette photos, something reminiscent about them.
Great that the kitten is settling in. Nice name Alice.
Not long before you are on holiday and able to spend more time with your felines.
Oh lovely to see all those glorious colours on a rather dreary morning!!
what a way to start my morning! such yummy, delicious color - i want to swim in it!
YUMMO on those colours, Sarah. Perfect for what is a sadly gray wet day here.
And Alice is a perfect name for that little miss. Curiouser and curiouser her eyes seem to say in the photos you've shown us.
How good of Tiger to not beat her up at the food dish... !
Take care. Your photos as always are wonderful!
love the pots of paint. I ma getting more into colour in my old age. have recently bought some right jazzy clothes - you will be amazed, being used to seeing me in black!
What happedned to Lupin as a name? I liked that one
Yes, color! some times I equate color with well being, muted when a bit down, vibrant when things are great. I cannot imagine a life in black and white, although there is still that old chestnut about both being colors. I don't care and I cannot imagine a happy day painted entirely with black strokes.
Rainbow gravel is the tiniest of all gravels available and when dry is grey and when wet shows several colors. I have no idea what do you call that in the UK.
Here is to a colorful weekend and to the kitty girl. I like Alice, I also like MoonChild to then call her Moon.
I like the first photograph of the child painting the tulips. Children's paintings and drawings are very special. I made a scrapbook of my first child's artbut it got lost in one of our moves. Subsequently I was too busy . . . sadly. I like 'Alice' for your kitten - very Lewis Carroll ;-)
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