Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Nelly The Elephant

Nelly is who I feel like this week due to much packing of trunks. On Friday we had a delivery of some furniture, two large packing boxes full of china and six pictures of varying sizes. Andy's Mum has moved into a smaller flat and has distributed lovely items amongst the family.
Our flat is not large and is already filled to bursting with stuff-mainly mine I have to say. I am pretty good at fitting things into spaces efficiently I think, but this week has been a challenge! I am nearly done now, except the clearing up of the inevitable debris of a large sort out. This lovely sea chest and its equally lovely contents-beautiful books and a rug, is stowed (it is familiar with this I feel), in a cosy space behind the tv, replacing piles of old videos. The leafy china above has found a spot on top of the microwave, replacing boxes of old cereals
A work in progress. The mess got much worse before it got better.
One of the pieces of furniture has fitted into the back room, to replace my old cupboard-now in the shed. I had a problem as to what to do with the china and the pictures, as there really is no room for them anywhere. Then, on the way home tonight I drove past a skip-just round the corner. In it were two large old trunks. I stopped to look but decided to be sensible and leave them where they were. By the time Andy got home I had changed my mind and realised they would be the perfect storage for the china and pictures. I am so pleased with them! One will go in the shed to be stored until we get our large country home(!) The other is next to an existing trunk in the hallway, making a lovely table type of thing! This one is my favourite-it is made of wood with leather trims, is really battered, lined with old fabric and has distressed labels saying things such 'Charing Cross to Westgate'. It is from Selfridges, and I think is at least fifties if not older. This makes us a five trunk household. Very useful things trunks!

I am not getting much time to visit blogs or to write on this one so I am looking forward to catching up at the weekend!


Janine said...

LOLOLOL! Yes elephants would not be elephants if not for their trunks!

Linda Sue said...

Wow you were very samrt to go back ! That is one beauty of a trunk!

Linda Sue said...

I meant smart- I could blame my sticky key board for everything wrong, but that would not be exactly the truth...

frayed at the edge said...

In one of our houses, we disguised our small filing cabinet ..... Malcolm cut a circle from chipboard to sit on top of it, and I made a circular floor length table cloth. It was actually a 'two birds' with one stone' solution, as not only was the filing cabinet disguised, but I had a table on which to display things!!

Lynne said...

I like trunks and chests, but do not possess any. That sea chest looks fantastic, and what a find to get two more trunks from a skip.
Have you got your country house picked out?
I liked your blog post title.

Mary S. Hunt said...

i know what you mean about time!
a lot of time gets involved into every task doesn't it..
are we spring cleaning here m'dear?

jabblog said...

Fitting a quart into a pint pot? It's strange how things seem to be as bad as they possibly can be with no end in sight and then, suddenly, miraculously, everything clears . . .

snoopydogknits said...

What a lucky find. That trunk is absolutely beautiful. We have a very large trunk, that was my uni trunk, many years ago. It is full to the brim with photo albums and photos.They are all treaures from our three children's childhoods. Priceless! Ros

Candace said...

What treasures you have been given AND have found. Well, don't forget the story of the blind men and the elephant. Some think it's like a tree... mmmm... TRUNK, in my case! I love all these types storage.

I spy with my little eye a blue-faced doll in that last photo...
Take care.
Candace x

kendalee said...

How exciting! And how lovely to have the challenge of incorporating such beautiful things into your home - it looks like you're doing a great job! I do so wish I lived in a tardis... :)

Unknown said...

Your doing wonderful..love the trunk...wish we had skips with useful trash to treasure. Nope all garbage. I am such a procrastinator with storage...I do it..but with alot of self cheering lol...