On to hangover art-a new art movement containing art created when suffering from a terrible headache, conversation flashbacks and underlying feelings of nausea, all brought on by yourself, with nobody else to blame. I was contemplating my sorry state, when it suddenly occurred to me how many phrases contain the word hang. What a useful little word it is! If I had been feeling more healthy, I might have managed to pictorially represent the words. This only occured to me at the photograph stage.
The second piece of HA is this. I was sorrowfully looking through a Sunday paper fashion magazine (our neighbour who has a shop donates us a load of magazines each week-I am never short of collage material!) when I came across this image. All the beautiful and serious(miserable) looking young models immediately got on my nerves due to my fragile state. So I decided to chop up a few circles, and cover up their annoying bonces with circular ones of my own. I much prefer them, and their slight weirdness really cheered me up!
I also like the Y-3 obscure label at the bottom-what it represents I have no idea and I think I will leave it like that in my head!
This last picture is not strictly HA, but was lying around nearby so got photographed too. I am not sure what I am goning to do next but I am thinking of lots of little rainbow coloured circles to contrast with the grey. I painted a little tiny kitten on her shoulder. Looking at the photo it looks as if she might be in some kind of an ice cave. Why she is there, I am not sure, but at least she has a companion!
Well I named my cat Circe because she was and is a little witch! Still!!! Also because her eyes at the time reminded me of the John W. Waterhouse painting of Circe. My Circe is still wild at times and she is 3. Have fun! lol! You could call her Terry the Terror. How about Millicent the beautiful witch in Snow White? I still like Tabitha the Tabby, even tho you did not ask my opinion...there it is. lol!
What happenened to "Lupin"- I think it is so cute that your trying to find the right name for your kitten. 'Naming'is an amazing creative process- one that you can't put your finger on but you know the right one immediately when you see it or hear it (you'll know). We named our dogs after vintage cars that we love (but can't afford)- Morgan and Bentley. Our new pup is Toby- we ran out of cars... Love your hangover art and the circle-face people-brilliant!
LOve it...My daughter couldnt think of a name for her cat and called it baby kitty forever lol..still does.
Hope you have a wonderous, non hung over week lol
Oh you are inventive! Fancy doing all that creative stuff when you were feeling so rough. All I can do when in a similar state is take Alka-Seltzer and drink plenty of fluids (although last time I spent the day editing hundreds of photos)
Your circle faces HA artwork just makes me smile. Loving it! Hope your hangover is all hung up and your back to feeling like yourself. My daughter got a new kitty recently and they were having the same problem coming up with a name. I'm going to have to call her and find out if they ever named her....
Loopy Lupin, Lulu Loo- If you name the kiten Kitty she will be called by everyone to come home for dinner - too confusing! Like being named "linda" in the 40's and 50's I simply gave up and did not answer to my name.
Love the artsy artiness of your hangover day- circle heads YES! about time somebody did something for those miserable baddassed models.
Your kitten is adorable! My son promptly let out an "Awwwwww" when I showed it to him. And his name sounds like how my daughter names her stuffed animals.....a little cat, she calls "Kitty", a little dog, she calls "Doggie", a bigger dog, she calls "Woof Woof" (she needs to differentiate afterall!), one stuffed bear is "Bear", another is "Teddy", and another is "Teddy Bear". Thank goodness she is highly expressive with a paint brush!! :> lol
I got such a giggle over the circle faces...thank you! I think its a perfect form of HA! :>
Hope you are having a great day! :>
if you keep calling her kitty then perhaps this should just be her name? must be natural!!!!!!
Love the picture with the round faces. I totally agree with you about annoying models... an excellent solution.
yes let's start a hanover art movement. although i was so hungover on Sunday NO art happened AT ALL!!!!!!!
I'm still laughing at your post! As for a name for poor little kitty - for some reason Milly Molly Mandy just popped into my head!! I still haven't recovered from having cats in yesterday's post .....
This is a funtastic post as they all are! Wow, you have been busy. Loved the last post about the car and the little 3 second film of it driving off.
I like your "circle faces" on the models. Sometimes, I put a book on top of those grinning yaps. Just. can't. take. it.
Say, kittens ARE possessed -- by the "spirit of the HUNTER". What goes thru their little pumpkin heads, I wonder? Kitty Boy still has manic spells, trust me. (He said to tell you he named himself, by the way!)
Take care, dear Sarah!
i love this painting!!!
dear sarah..i am collecting well wishes for allegra on my blog today...please come by and leave her a love note!
thank you!
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