We are doing home visits for the children due to start in September. So we get to look around the local area a bit. I have found one really good potential Forest School site, and one other piece of woodland on Plumstead Common which has a sign saying it is a nature reserve. I dragged my colleague Linda up and down muddy hills-we were quite adventurous! There were birds singing, it was damp and fresh and really very pleasant!

This tree is so gnarled and old-and looks like it could come alive at any minute and walk away! Like an Ent from Lord of the Rings.

Beautiful blossom. Not sure what-is it hawthorn? Is that May? Oh I really need to improve my woodland knowledge. Talking of that-I had a woodpecker in my garden on Friday-I was really excited!

This path is much steeper than it looks! And the mud was slippery. Great fun!

Un-woods related, but cute! Lily is fascinated with this dolls house, and often peers in the windows. Maybe she knows something I don't! I found her sitting on it this morning looking very pleased with herself.
The little house looks so inviting I am pretty sure it houses a tiny mouse family or a family of fairies, something that holds Lily's interest...Great muddy walk in the trees that look like they might have very deep voices!
Wonderful old gnarled trees Sarah- very enchanted -you do expect them to come alive. Trees have such a powerful life force- these have alot to tell!
Wonderful trees, wonderful pics! Thank you for sharing Sarah!
I love that first photo - and I was just thinking Lord of the Rings when I saw you had written the same thing!!
Lili wants to move in, I can tell. And who wouldn't? Oh I would love to walk with your through that magical woodland. The white flowers remind me of wild plums, smaller than regular plums that could be found in the clearance of the woodlands in Italy when I was a girl. It looks lovely and yes, I hope this time those gardenias would do me proud.
The fish reminds me of an old aspic mold from my years in cooking school. Feeling a bit better, thank you for coming by.
I just wish the coughing would be done with. Thank goodness for my rose hips and slippery elm lozenges, otherwise my throat would be at shreds. Non contagious hugs from here.
That tree is definitely like some sort of running elf! It's great!! Who would have guessed that Plumstead could come up with something so interesting!
Tiger Lil might think that is HER little house. You are big and have the big house, while she will just take this little one, Sarah. HA!
Those trees are magnificent. I too thought of the Ents from LOTR.
Just gorgeous colours. I'm sure you had a great time tromping alone there.
Candace in Athens x
Oh, there is nothing quite like a walk in the woods for renewing the spirit. You captured some incredible images, too. And, oh, that adorable LIly!
Wonderful walk in the woods... I can't wait for such outings! It's still melting here... LOL! That little house is so sweet! Happy Days, Sarah...and wishing you & yours a beautiful Easter holiday weekend ahead! :o) ((HUGS))
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