Tuesday, 4 October 2011


This is the baby of the squashes that will be harvested soon.
This is the squash that is hiding in the honeysuckle so well, that I only discovered it today-that makes four I can use!

This is the biggest of the bunch.
And this one only slightly smaller. I am going to have an interesting time trying to extricate the squash runners from the chamomile-especially as it is so prickly. I think the weekend after next will be gardening time.

I feel strangely nervous that I will not harvest it in time, so I check the viable ones every day for signs of mould or invasion! I have raised them up on pebbles if they are on the ground so that they will not rot underneath. I just found this good website with recipes and info to refer to. Another great site can be found here-Quick and Easy Cooking for Healthy Meals. Lots of recipes and tips for Spaghetti Squash, and lots of other interesting food articles too. And my squash is the Turban squash-not the buttercup as I thought when I first saw the flowers-though it is a type of buttercup squash according to the website.


Janine said...

Beautiful squash! I love it when things I plant grow!

Leenie said...

Your squash are very handsome. Too bad they will spoil if not used. They'd make great decorations. But, then, they should come in quite handy as part of a fine meal.

Unknown said...

Nice looking squash. It sure is Autumn at your house.

jabblog said...

They are beautiful specimens, Sarah - so lovely to look at I wouldn't want to cut into them.(Then they'd rot and wouldn't look quite so gorgeous!)

Tracy said...

Oh, aren't they GORGEOUS! I thought they might be Turks Cap or related. These are really lovely. What will you do with them, Sarah? Wet, dully weather has been making our end of season garden clean up slow. Hoping this weekend to finally get things tidied up. It's getting chilly here...bbbrrr... Happy Days ((HUGS))

Jenny Woolf said...

They must be the world's most decorative vegetables. I've become a massive fan of butternut squash soup, can't seem to stop making the stuff!

Anonymous said...

They look fabulous! You could try keeping one - every autumn I buy some small squash from Morrisons and put them in a bowl on the kitchen table with some pot pourri - they have generally just about survived to the following autumn!

BonnyBadger said...

Oh the squash is great. Can't bear the taste tho!!! Great pics