Tuesday, 11 October 2011

I Saw a Rainbow Way Up High

The beautiful early morning sky contained... ...a rainbow in the clouds.
I have slightly darkend the photo to make it more obvious-the sky was a bright cold blue, and the rainbow-or cloudbow-was very high. It stayed there for ages. I have never seen this before and felt lucky to have done so this morning.

Please click on the picture for a better look.


Anonymous said...

oh that is an amazing aky. love the clouds!

Unknown said...

Cool and pretty rare I think. It could be a circumzenithal arc (not to be confused with a circumhorizontal arc which is an upside down one with the colours going the other way - obviously)(I am not a member of the Cloud Spotters Appreciation Society for nothing...). Well spotted!

Tracy said...

Sooo MAGICAL... what a rare moment! And so special those cloud formations in themselves... What a treat to see! Happy Day, Sarah ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

What an amazing sky - I have never seen anything like it!!

Sarah said...

I did look up and found out about things such as you mention Ned, and think it is to do with the moon rather than the sun as there was info about how far north you were and various other things I could not really fathom-but it is something like that!

Rattling On said...

That's so beautiful. No blue skies here...
Love your felt head, are you going to exhibit these somewhere?

Sarah said...

I would like to! I thought that if I make quite a few then I would look into finding somewhere to exhibit them-that would be a new experience!

rochambeau said...

It looks like something divine is about to happen Sarah!! It was amazing clicking on your photographs!!!
Hugs to you!


rebecca said...

cloud wings.
thank you for beauty that only takes
looking up!

BonnyBadger said...

AMAZING clouds