Please ignore the neglected and messy section of garden in which the felty head is posing. He said he doesn't mind too much about it, as long as I get it sorted out soon. I have listened carefully to him and will do so.
This head took a long time. I have lost count of how many evenings I have spent making him, but I am pleased with the result. It is weird, but I never know how they will turn out, and this one has turned out looking like a sensitive poet to me. The mohican hair idea only came to me near the end, I wanted something colourful but simple. He is probably a good listener, as much as a felty head can be, because he has such enormous ears!

The whole thing is 45cm high, including base and hair. I have never made a felt thing so big before. Most satisfying. The next one is going to be slightly smaller, and animal related I think.
Yes, he does look rather pensive and sensitive --and wonderfully interesting too.
this is so cool! i love the mohican hair!!
Wow! Look at him! You've really given him a lot of personality! I totally know what you mean about not knowing what a project will turn out like - that's one of the best things about making art in my opinion - the surprise ending!
A very handsome friend you have there. He does indeed look like he will be a good listener and probably not much for criticizing. I love his big, sad eyes and his cheery hair. Way to go!
I so appreciate the work involved! That is a lot of pounding and a lot of wool- BIG pay off- he is so worth it! Great job! Should be in a major art show somewhere- Wonderful head!
Wow, Sarah, that is impressive! I can't imagine how much work it took to make him. He shouldn't be bossing you around about the garden, after all, if you'd been gardening he wouldn't exist! Fabulous job.
I wouldn't argue with him - if he has suggested that you tidy the garden, I think you should do it asap!!
He looks fabulous - I love his hair!
so much empathy. i should think you should follow his advice for sprucing up the garden, people will begin arriving...hoping to be so deeply heard, and so genuinely understood.
This is amazing Sarah!
What a kind face your Mohican Man has, Sarah!! It's wonderful to see your use of felt too! I like that a person will never know the end result of a creative endeavor it is like a gift and a surprise to finish a project and be happy, don't you think?
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