Saturday, 8 October 2011

A Cassie Post

Cassie has been very bored lately and desperate to play. The other night I was getting some of her toys from the bag in the scratchy post-the very ugly but necessary scratchy post! She understands that there are things in that bag, good things-or maybe it is just that she likes a bag. In the first photo she looks mad because of the tiny bit of white in her eye that is showing. In the second photo she is in there, rooting, but not really finding much.
Later on-zonked!

She may be big now but she is still such a kitten!


Anairam said...

Oh, pets are all big babies, no matter what age they are! They love play and toys and treats and attention. Looooooooots of attention!
PS Well, even I can crochet (a little bit) and you knopw that I am not very good at sewing amd knitting and stuff like that. So all I can say is you must try again! Are you crocheting from a pattern? Maybe the pattern is not set out or explained properly?

Leenie said...

Cassie looks like a great companion. Maybe she is like Thomas. As long as there is food when he demands it and a clean-ish litter box he's happy. Thomas knows what I look like first thing in the morning and doesn't laugh.

BonnyBadger said...

IT was clearly all too much for her!!!!!!

snoopydogknits said...

Oh she is just so sweet. Love the little mousie toy, laying abandoned in the corner of the last photo! Have a good week. Ros

rebecca said...

i love your cassie.
sleeping, stalking, playing, ruminating... she is a beautiful cat of substance living the sweet life with you.

Carole Reid said...

Oh for the life of a cat. Play, eat, sleep, replay.

Gabbi said...

Cassie's adorable... wonderful share!

Unknown said...

She is such a lot of fun, she is just like my cat, naughty but so very cuddly.

Anonymous said...

So cute!