It was my friend's birthday yesterday, and she wanted to visit the VandA for
this exhibition, and because it was one of their evening openings. It was an effort to get ready and go out, after another sweltering working day of weird weather, but I am glad I did. Walking out of the tube into Exhibition Road was suddenly like being on holiday. The warm evening, beautiful buildings, and tourists meeting on the steps, all gave it a very continental feel. Outside the museum there is currently an interesting wooden sculpture, quite like knitting to look at, and curving gracefully around the door.

The exhibition itself was interesting. It is a collection of made objects for all sorts of purposes, including a machine embroidered surgical implant, a full sized 'crochetdermy' bear, a wicker work coffin, a wooden bike, a needle encrusted, leather dress, a swarovski crystal covered low rider bike, one of the original figures from 'The Fantastic Mr Fox, and a coat hanger gorilla.

There were some opportunities to try crafts. I was interested to see needle felting going on. One of the exhibits was a holey jumper, repaired by needle felting patches, I have never thought of doing that and will keep it in mind.

Look at the huge sacks of wool! It makes
my collection look quite reasonable!

The V and A central courtyard looked magical at night. Can you see the paddlers?
We extended the continental holiday feel by wandering around the nearby streets, looking for somewhere to eat, and ending up in an Italian restaurant which included some ham in the bruschetta, one of only two vegetarian options. Any vegetarians having visited France, Spain or Italy will know what I mean! I am not one so I had the extremely cheesey lasagne and a big glass of red wine which I enjoyed.
I have already specified I want a wicker coffin... looks like a fascinating exhibition. The implant sounds interesting!
I just LOVE that area of London. Looks like a good exhibition. Just a nice relaxing end to a busy work day. Ros
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