I used inktense pencils on wet paper to draw wolves, moths and this girl with a stripey hat.

I have so much to do but am too tired to do much of it, so instead I decided to sharpen my pencils. I also made a list of the colours I have got in certain series along with their number. I find this kind of cataloguing very satisfying.

Dramatic grey sky, yellow sunflower, and red cranes look beautiful together.

Autumn in the treasure baskets at Forest School today.

The crab apple tree which will be lost soon to the new building. Very sad. Also the beautiful rose bush-I wish they could incorporate our nursery garden into Forest School which is being kept-it is just the other side of our fence. Although the new building is exciting to look forward to, I actually prefer old things-old established things such as our garden-we won't have that feel in the new outdoor area I don't think. So I am really pleased Forest School is staying, and I will try to plant lots of lovely things there as a gift to future users.

Autumn and Halloween inspired painting-I used gouache-just three colours, and a wide brush which was lovely to make lines with. The other page is my journal with the pencil list. I finished Erewhon and have been using a pastel sketchbook with different coloured ridged paper in.
The streamers look great fun blowing in the wind, I bet the children loved it.
I really like your painting as well, does have a certain Halloween look to it.
VERY FUN seeing your art up-close, Sarah... especially the spooky house! I've got inktense pencils on my to-try list... Those fabric streamers blowing in the wind are lovely...*sigh*... Hope you get a chance to relax a bit now. Happy Weekend ((HUGS)) P.S. I'm having a tiny giveaway stop by, if you get a chance...
Sharpening pencils, tying streamers to fences, drawing stripey hats.....all great things to do when you have too much to do and no energy to do it! I'm going to look for the pencil sharpener right now.
Those red cranes are a wonderful addition to the landscape.
What a shame to lose the crab apple. They look so pretty in the Spring.
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