This week I have not felt like blogging as everything pales in comparison to what has happened and is happening in Haiti. Today it struck me that I have been on the sofa a lot, watching with horror the awful things that people there are going through. I am in awe of the bravery of people and the way they have the capacity to deal with terrible and unstoppable events in their lives. At least in the modern world we can react as quickly as possible to disaster and do the best in bad circumstances. Well hopefully anyway.
Yes we all have to reach out. This is everyones tragedy.
The situation in Haiti is impossible for me to fathom, even with the images and footage that are on the news.
There's a new shop/project on Etsy called Hearts for Haiti. 100% of the proceeds are going to Doctors Without Borders. I'm looking into that.
I think we have all been sofa bound over it..Its a tragedy.
I can relate. Your post reminds me that after the 9-11 attack, I was glued to television and couldn't turn off the TV until a friend called and MADE me to it while we were on the phone then exacted a promise I wouldn't turn it back on. That was the best advice I ever got. The destruction and chaos in Haiti is awful but watching endless news coverage and being paralyzed does no one any good. I wrote my check to the Red Cross and hold that part of the world and all its inhabitants in prayer ... it's the best I can do. I hope you'll be able to find some balance for yourself.
Hugs and blessings,
Yes it's heartbreaking and difficult to go about our ususal routine knowing of such a horrific tragedy taking place within our world. I can't tell you how many times I've burst into tears when seeing images on the TV.
As you are an Etsy seller you may be interested to know about a collaborative fundraising shop just set up (if you don't know already of course). It's called HeartsForHaiti. They are open for donations of items and purchases of dontated items. A nice idea and every little bit helps...
I haven't been watching..but your figure is so interesting ..I like the sketch very much...
We are doing a concert May 23 2pm at Komedia at the Brighton Fringe fest.
Looking for other gigs now. Hope to meet you in London.
Hi Sarah - by the time I read your comments, I forgot what I was going to say about your sketch, so I've had to go back and look again! I think you have captured how we all feel, watching the news unfold. Love, Anne
It is very sad!
I agree wholeheartedly. My latest blog mentions the fact that as the story unfurled during the week, the horror just seemed to grow and even the aid from UN and Oxfam struggling to get through. It's impossible to imagine the true extent of the devastation, but the people's bravery is amazing. It stays in your head! I love the drawing! Enjoy the week. Ros
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