A great big kiss in the sky over school today, created as we watched!

I started a new online class with
Misty Mawn at the weekend-more faces-but learning new techniques too. She is a good teacher. Lots of ideas to try and good advice. The main technique is not one at all-more of a policy-keep practising! This week we are working on pencil and charcoal portraits and I have done a few so far-this is my first one-from a photo of
Lily Cole.
The pretty red rose is no more-I
over watered it, it had no drainage, and it died! I was a little put out, but it did give to the end with these dried
flower heads. What is their colour? It is not quite purple-maybe maroon.

Muscari. (Reminds me of
Vulturi!) I needed calming flowers when I came home last night as I had to speak in front of a meeting of four different schools-at short notice I might add! We are taking part in something called
The London Challenge, which is a project to raise attainment in writing (well I think it is in general but our group has chosen to work on writing) We had to meet in our phase (age) groups, then feed back the key points from our discussion (which I also had to chair-ha ha-luckily they were all very nice) Honestly, I thought I was going to cry and half way through actually said "Sorry, I'm a little bit nervous!' Apparently I didn't sound as bad as I felt-or were they just being kind?! The other three teachers from my school who had to do it too all said they felt the same but who knows. I was speaking in front of about 60 people! I know I am banging on a bit but it was traumatic. I was pleased with myself afterwards though and I enjoyed the applause! (sympathy applause?!)
Face number two-drawn from a photo of a really beautiful girl who I have distorted somewhat. I liked doing her lips!

I needed calming flowers when I came home tonight too-the nursery felt like chaos this afternoon-lots of new children still settling in so lots needing extra reassurance and help-but they then have to be ignored for a while when other children have run into metal poles, had accidents (
euphemism for pooing on the floor then trying to clear it up with a whole pack of toilet tissue then walking half of it over the floor!), had more accidents (
euphemism for weeing), need help to wee, undo belts, do up shoes, turn on computers, share cars and so on. By the time it got to
home time I felt exhausted! So I came home early, looked at the flowers, had a bath, did some work and then did the last drawing below. What a day!

Isn't her lacy
headdress beautiful? This is my first go at a three quarter view. I like how my drawing came out but I can see how the eye on the right is not quite-right! I often hold drawings up in the mirror to see them better and looking at a photo of the drawing can help too.

Roll on the weekend. I am driving to Rugby on Saturday to pick up a 60s Bungalow I bought on
eBay for £10. Not a full sized one obviously. I don't know what comes over me-well I kind of do-I read an article in Elle Decoration about this woman designer who had done up a dolls house with miniature wall papers and other amazing things. It inspired me and made me WANT ONE! There will be pictures sometime I expect.
P.S. Here is a link to
Interior Divine, which has an article on the house I mentioned-it is by Emily Chalmers, owner of London shop
Caravan. Visit
this page even if you miss the rest out!
Sarah, applause, applause! How hard to speak in front of 60 adults! I laud you for that! Just remember the audience is only a bunch of children albeit grown up but we are all just big kids eventually! Wink!
I love your 3/4 face!
That is wonderful Sarah...amazing
Love it
As someone in theatre and film, do not forget, people WANT to like you when you stand before them to give them your heart in a speech or a play or whatnot. Brava! I am sure you did fine and am happy you had all these calming flowers. The dead roses are so lovely... I keep mine for loooonng stretches of time.
What excellent new frontiers you are crossing with this artwork, Sarah! And the Bungalow!!!
Good for you!
LOVE the Lily Cole.
Your Friend,
Candace, Still in Athens.
Well done!! I did public speaking at school, and I sometimes do talks to quilt groups - but I've never got over my nerves!! I was interested to read about your looking at drawings in the mirror - I do that with quilts - somehow you get a different view!! Love the poo and wee stories (yeuch!!)
Have a good weekend, love, Anne
Very interesting post Sarah. Love the faces, all so very different. Your account of days in the Nursery only confirmed my long-held opinion that the teachers of the youngest children really should be paid the most. Young children are REALLY hard work - mentally, physically, emotionally - and there's nothing quite so unnerving as being completely ignored (as though invisible)by a 3-year-old - and then they get to know you and stick like glue!
I know the Elle Deco article you mean- they were fantastic. Look forward to seeing yours. will you do it 60s or modern?
Rugby? So close - we should meet up! Also very interested in the 60s bungalow - have you got a link to the woman who made it?
Inspiring post- must go get my pencils now...
Such amazing artwork Sarah! I always love popping in to marvel at your creativity. I know just how you feel about the speaking in front of a large number of people. I HATE it.... even leading staff meetings in my own school!!! Have a great weekend! Ros
What a feast for the eyes this post is!!
That last drawing is gorgeous!!! Your other too are good aswell but the last is my fave!
Adore the drawing of Indai - that would totally make my day too! It's a little Monty Pythonesque - I love that about children!
Brava Sarah! Taking public speaking and accidents galore in your stride and still finding time to make some beautiful art! You have earned your weekend bigtime my friend. And I can't WAIT to see what you do with the bungalow - I have never owned a dollhouse and have always fancied one. I guess it's never too late :) And thanks for the links... especially to Caravan - how have I managed without knowing about that one before?!? Gorgeous goodies!
Have a lovely, lovely, relaxing weekend! xo
great sketches Sarah! and that polaroid is beautiful! is it a real one?
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