Sunday, 24 January 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday

Shadowy doors in the bungalow... Seen from the perspective of a giant.
Shadows of things hanging from my winter branches. Visit HeyHarriet here for more shadows!
Back tomorrow for OWOH and on Wednesday for Christina's simple things. Have a lovely week!


Martha Z said...

I like those bungalow shadows and that is a interesting collection of shadows on the wall

Rattling On said...

I want that bungalow!

christina said...

so, so beautiful. i adore shadows. it's the best part of photography.

Anonymous said...

I like how your second photo shows the scale of your first one ... and an interestin collection of shadows in the lst photo!!!

Crafty Green Poet said...

very creative shadow shots

GalleryJuana said...

The first shot had me guessing from which angle the photographer was taking the photo. At first I thought I was looking at an attic entrance in the ceiling. All interesting shadows.

The building in my shadow shot is some kind of church. I am not sure what denomination. It kind of reminded me of something I would see in Russia.

snoopydogknits said...

Those winter twig shadows have created amazing shadows...... some mysterious, cricket-like creatures in undrergrowth :) Have a successful week! Ros

Anonymous said...

Great shadow shots. I love the last one.

Hey Harriet said...

Before seeing the second photo I thought the first one looked like a little cartoon style mouse door. I half expected to see Jerry pop out! Or was it Tom that was the mouse? I think it was Jerry...

I hope you have a lovely week too :)

jabblog said...

I like the idea of seeing things as a giant might. Your last shadow shot is quite lovely - very evocative.

Chubby Chieque said...

Interesting shots. The first one is my fav. So neat and simple but appealing for my taste. Gracious...

storyteller said...

Wonderfully varied shadows ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Tracy said...

Magical, almost mysterious photos, Sarah--brilliant! I'll be in on the Simple Things fun too. :o) Happy Week, my friend ((HUGS))

Renee said...

HI sweet Sarah. I was with my Mom on Sunday and will be going there tomorrow all day.

I want to go everyday but I have my own problems with my stomach and lets. Today is my day to go see Jacquie too.
