Chosen at the moment, are a primitive doll from Miss Pootsie's Primitives- by Penny King, who smells delicious (the doll I mean!) and the gingerbread girl, who should, I suppose, taste delicious. They seem to have taken up residence on the back of my sofa. On the arm are two more dolls-little felt heads from AsherJasper on etsy. Her felted toys are just great. I have a couple and I gave Milly and Sarah one each for Christmas. Milly's was an instant hit and was thrown around a fair bit before being stuffed into her pocket for later! They have little bells inside which is an added bonus. Have a look at her Princess and the pea play set here-I love it!
Sketches whilst on the Eurostar. There were so many lovely barebones trees flashing past the window.

The second drawing was based on a scene we passed by, where some graffiti was perfectly reflected in the water at an angle, from a sloping concrete bank. The little buildings and trees behind were glimpsed at some point.
I love travelling on the train, reading, staring out at strange scenes, and sometimes trying to draw them.

Back to work tomorrow. I feel so relaxed and unstressed it seems hard to believe! The holiday has been lovely though, and has seemed quite long, but I am always a little sad when it is over.
I am going to be a more positive person this year though so I will not start with a moan. I will read my little book on happiness at least once a week and try to act on the advice I find there!
I wish you all a lovely week, whatever it may bring.
Being positive is one of my things for this year as well. Not that I'm negative, but I'm just going to try to go with the flow a bit more, instead of getting too wrapped up in details that frustrate me.
The holidays go too quickly though.
I try very hard to be positive...and I have seen nothing but positive notes from you. Beautiful sketches.
You are already a very positive person. You are real and that is just right by me.
Love Renee xoxo
What a great great post! Loved looking at the treasures on the links you provided, Sarah, thanks for that. Your artwork is constantly evolving and always fun and thought provoking. I like train rides myself and am hoping to take one this spring!
Have a wonderful and totally peaceful New Year.
Beautiful work and words! I love traveling by train also... it's wonderful to get lost in views.♥
Oh I love your little travel drawings. They're gorgeous! I hope your first day back at work goes well. It's so hard to return after holidays (I return next week & trying not to think about it...).
Here's to a positive 2009! You've always struck me as a positive person anyway. A very happy positive fun-filled new year to you xo
Hi Sarah - I love your graffiti drawing! It's a long, long time since I last travelled by train - you made me want to go and buy a ticket!! I too am trying to be more positive - last year wasn't a very good one for us, so I just keep singing 'things can only get better'. Enjoy being back at work - but if you want, I'll swap with you and you can tackle my ironing basket!! Love, Anne
I also think you are quite a positive person already - that is the impression I get from your blog - positive, yet realistic; quirky, yet with feet on the ground. Your sketches are beautiful, calm, they inspire me to learn to use my crayons properly...
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