some smaller and more detailed ones next I think.
"The rising sun silvered the mist lying low and dense on the meadow, where cattle stood on unseen legs. Over the mist the white owl was flying, on broad soft wings. It wafted itself along, light as the mist; the sun showed the snowy feathers on breast and underwings, and lit the yellow-gold and grey of its back. It sailed under the middle arch of the bridge, and pulled itself by its talons into one of the spaces left in the stonework by masons. Throughout the daylight it stood among the bones and skulls of mice, often blinking, and sometimes yawning"
From "Tarka the Otter" by Henry Williamson. It is one of my favourite books. It is written without sentimentality and with great knowledge of the life of the animals who's story it tells.
Amazing work - and the quote is excellent - I think I will have to use one of my many notebooks/journals to write down quotes from books - I never remember them afterwards!
I love owls....Holla you rocked those owls.
LOL...too much coffee this am I suspect.
Love the owls and the quote from the book!
Sometimes my Circe looks like an owl, especially when she sits on the table waiting for her 5:00 p.m. tea! LOL!
I love the finished piece and I agree it looks like a wonderful woodcut- a beautiful technique and styling Sarah. I love owls- (I used to foster and release young owls for a wildlife rehab facility I worked for). You have really captured their essence in this lovely work!
Sarah, I think you would enjoy the book Wesley the Owl it is a true story of a spectacular frienship.
Nice drawings and I love that passage. beautiful.
Sarah I have never even heard of this book. I need to check it out.
I am not disappearing dear one, at least not yet I hope.
I'm loving all your owl drawings and paintings.
Wonderful variations on a theme, Sarah! Each sketch becoming more realized and detailed....That last sketch really has lost of richness, presence and style--love it! Your are so clever! Happy Day, my friend :o) ((HUGS))
Oh these are just GREAT! I love the owl with the rat- he looks to be doing the happy dance!
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