This cat is always hanging around at school. He is so friendly and he found me the other day and followed me to the door, where I had to shoo him away! He seemed to really enjoy walking along the fence-even struggling through a buddleia.

Ice squirrel found in the scrumpled up bin bag this morning.

I now have two houses. Cedar Lodge is the name of the other one and it was also from eBay and £11. It looked so much like it should be with the bungalow. It has a detachable front and lino on the downstairs floor. I have been looking into lighting as I think I should start there.
This site looks helpful. And
this one. I have to think of a name for the street they are on. Already there is some signs of life in the bungalow but more of that later!

Glass photo negative of a man and his dolls house-also from eBay-from France. There are six altogether and at least two of them will make good birthday presents due to their subject matter. I wonder if this man made the house. It looks amazing-the glass domed roof especially!

I have been making miniature blocks of flats today. They are painted with gesso, roughly measured, windows cut, then covered with white tissue paper using matte medium. Then a flickering light is placed inside and hey presto-tiny lights in miniature blocks of flats.

When these are finished I will have six altogether. I will do a little film to show you haw pretty they look. Perhaps they are up on the hill behind Cedar Lodge and the bungalow.
A while ago Rachel Whiteread had an exhibition of dolls houses at the HAyward Gallery. Most of them were 1930s ones with those criss-cross white tin windows, if I remember correctly. I think you would have realy liked it!
Oh, wow I love your blocks of flats - you're building your own little city!
That ice squirrel is amazing - found art is always a little awe inspiring!
A very interesting post! About 20 years ago I built a dollhouse-(I should post it sometime) from a kit - what an adventure! I love the picture of the man and the dollhouse - amazing Sarah- and I'm enthralled with your little flats- so inventive- can't wait to see a miniature neighborhood!
Oh Sarah, as Alice in Wonderland might have said, "this project gets interestinger and interestinger!" or did she just say, "curiouser and curioser"?. EIther way, I'm loving it! Can't wait to see your movie :)
I've had a disconnected week so have enjoyed catching up on your posts... that little row of painters made me smile and I love your ice squirrel - so sweet. Hope you have a great weekend! xo
Cool squirrel and i mean cool in every sense of the word. Your city is shaping up nicely- I would like to reserve a flat when I find the right "eat me" bottle...I would be very happy in your little world.
Say, that cat looks familiar! I didn't know Kittyboy knew his way over there...
I for one can't wait to see your village, and the accompanying movie! I love love love the adventures you take us on, Sarah. It's always such a blessing and joy to visit here.
Candace x
You have so many pretty things around you. I ce squirrels and red tiny interiors. You are so lucky, don´t you know it?
Ooh I can't wait to see your film. What a delightful post this is. Ice squirrels and everything!
I always love coming over to see you Sarah, because I never know what I will find! Today is no exception.... so exciting and interesting. I love that glass squirrel and the glass photo negative. Such stories behind all these gorgeous things. Have a great day! Ros
that cat is adorable!
can't wait to see what you have in store for the film.
I love your ice squirrel! Looking forward to seeing how your street progresses ...
I remember my father getting very frustrated wiring up my mum's dolls house. It's pretty fiddly. You might need to get an electrician in.
cool piece of ice!
nice kitty and the house!
so you made the house??
or you bought a house to stay in...
you are a busy gal!
I really like the icy squirrel. I am ashamed that I am often so unobservant - if you didn't say it looked like a squirrel, I would just have thought: Hmmm, interesting sliver of ice. I like all your buildings as well - are you going to play 3-D Monopoly? PS Love the painting with the yellow hat - it is lovely!
Treats! Thank you for coming to visit when I was still ailing and Barry was reading me the messages and making me smile at your kindness.
Love all of these treats, and some day I should post a photo of my own little Sweet Shop with the upstairs living quarters just like in the old days. I found it semi destroyed at an antique shop many years ago and painfully slowly worked to collect figurines and furniture from what I thought it would be the era it came from. Now it comes down only at Christmas time because it is frail and dear to my heart. Yours is going to be just like that, dear to your heart, just wait, you shall see.
Hugs and many thanks again for the visits.
I've enjoyed catching up with all your posts Sarah, but I seem to have a problem everytime I visit you as I can't scroll down the page very well. Maybe I will have to visit you on our other computer. Computers!
You've always got something creative happening, the children you teach must love schooldays.
Have a Happy week.
LOVE the ice squirrel! Venturing now into architecture...the buildings are wonderful, Sarah! You constantly amaze me, all the things you come up with--very inspiring! Happy Week, my friend :o) ((HUGS))
Oh this looks exciting! You are building a town? Keep us updated! Love that ginger tom and your squirel too! Keep warm - I hear England is going to go through a real cold snap this February..
Awww... that cat looks just like the ones we use to have outdoors. So pretty!
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