Monday, 11 January 2010

Journal pages and old scans I had forgotten

I had the sofas and the gold there already. The stamp was from a thank you letter from our nephews-they always send one for presents and we love getting them. I scanned the stamp to enlarge it for the December page, then had the idea for finishing my next 'on the sofa' page. Once I had stuck on Mary and Jesus then the gold reminded me of angels.

Some fun things from December. The bear is a napkin from New Year-Andy went shopping with Alwyn and they had instructions to choose festive napkins(only part of a very long list!) The blue paper is from a Cafe Nero bag from breakfast at the Eurostar station-it contained a delicious almond croissant-no wonder I don't lose any weight! The bag is such a lovely deep blue.
Below are three scans I had forgotten about and liked when I saw them again. Mints

Lino print
Gel pen drawing.


Lori Saul said...

Lovely work Sarah- isn't it fun to find art you've made and see it differently later on! The black and white lino is wonderful - reminds me of woodblock designs!

Anonymous said...

you are such a talented woman! i really love really really love that last one.

Anonymous said...

An interesting collection of images - I don't know how you fit all your art work in with your busy job!!

Tracy said...

I just love this... a visit here is always hugely inspiring, Sarah! :o)

Unknown said...

I just adore your posts....Love the pages..


Lynne said...

I love your December pages. I too have wondered as does Frayedattheedge, how you fit all your art into a busy working life. You seem to stay so motivated.

Sam said...

You're a creative soul to be sure!! Love these - fun and imaginative!!

snoopydogknits said...

Such interesting things!I always love to spend time looking really carefully at the all the amazing details in your work. Such originality' I love it! Ros

Sarah said...

Hi and thanks as always for your lovely comments! Just a word as to how I fit it all in. I work more or less a nine or ten hour day-and then I cannot do any more school work as my brain is addled. So then I do a little something creative more or less every night and at least some of the time at the weekend. I usually have a few things on the go at once so there is always something to work on.

Rattling On said...

I like the mints the best for some reason. I'm looking into buying a scanner as I have so many old photos and the girls' pictures that I'd like to have safely somewhere.

parisa mahmoudi said...

Sooo Beautiful, specially the lino print! I love it!
Dear Sarah I wish you the best in 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Aris said...

great images. Forgotten drawings are such a nice suprise. Coming up on them unexpectedly is like meeting yourself. (:
Ps I love gessoed paper too!!!

Candace said...

WOW. I do love that linotype. Isn't it great looking back? Nothing like it and certainly nothing or one like you, Sarah. I am *always* refreshed and inspired when I visit here.
Candace in Athens x

Renee said...

Sarah the gel pen drawing is fantastic.

I also love Andy's choice of napking.


SmitoniusAndSonata said...

The Cafe Nero bag is that lovely sugar paper blue . Love your work . You obviously really enjoy making it all .

A.Smith said...

Deed for the day: sending you love and thanks. Done.