Thursday, 29 July 2010

Today was the day for Cassie. She is fine after the operation, but still so woozy and it is 10.30 at night now. The anaesthetic must be so strong. I collected her at 6.00 and she could hardly stand when she got out of the basket, and then when she started moving around, she left a little puddle each time she sat down! I put my (her) favourite dressing gown on the floor, and she spent some time there. She has eaten a little food and is now wandering round restlessly. She has just had a growl at Tiger, who has been really good and just sniffed her a bit. I am keeping an eye on her! This is a lovely shop that I passed this morning on the way to the vets. I had seen it before, but never realised it is a little cafe as well as a shop. It is so sweet inside, and is run by a French mother and daughter-at least I got the impression they were mother and daughter. As I was buying a beautiful pepper plant, they were talking to each other in French. I was transported! This was after dropping Cassie off of course-I didn't make her wait around while I shopped.
I love this lady's dress-which I noticed later, not at the time.
The cafe cat-looks just like Lily.

Because I had to change Cassie's appointment, today was an outing day with my friend Chinmoyee. We went to Rye, for a potter around the shops-an anti-de-cluttering trip! I did buy a few things, but they are relatively small and should come in most handy for a few ideas I have!

The last shop we went in had a great selection of big furniture-all really well displayed. I loved this lady but the phone picture I took was really blurry-in black and white it looks a bit nightmarish-a junk addict's nightmare maybe!

A lovely letter box-so French looking.

Phones from my phone.

These hair salon tables and red vinyl chairs are so lovely!

I loved this grouping of dressmakers forms. They look as if they are in conversation.
Tomorrow I start on the garden! Wish me luck, it is an absolute jungle!


Linda Sue said...

So glad all went well with Cassie- she will probably be wobbly for a while- our kitty was for about two days , just under the weather a bit. Love the spooky shot of the manequin, would love to have that around just for the freakiness of it.
By the way Your eyes are HUGE- have you ever noticed that? I would think that they see more than any other eyes- mine are tiny and pointy- maybe that is how I see...

→lisa said...

Aw, I hope Cassie bounces back soon, poor thing. in London must be a dream, all of your photos are making me feel like NY just isn't quite on par in the charm department!

(i left the mother of all blog comments in reply to your comment over at p-b...)

Unknown said...

I'm sure that Cassie will recover quickly. Love the shop that you were browsing in, must have been difficult to only buy a few small things..

Oh and by the way, love your new 'do'

Anonymous said...

Poor cassie!! When we had our spaniel done, she cried all night - I know brcause I slept on the floor in the lounge to keep her company!! Good luck with the garden - we had to chase two lambs out of the front garden this morning - they were munching on my quince!

Tracy said...

Very glad all is well with sweet Cassie... Always a relief when things get back to normal after rounds at the vets and all, isn't it? LOVE that shop--great name The Creaky Shed... and what delights in it! Treasure trove kind of place... just up my street too. LOVE your new hair cut--very chic and fun! :o) Happy Weekend ((HUGS)) Oh, I'm having some giveaway fun... stop by if you get a chance...

rebecca said...

dear cassie,

welcome home. tread light, sleep much..
adore your mama,
she is a sweet one.


Leenie said...

Hehe--anti-de-cluttering. I like that. A great name for cruising through second-hand shops. I wish there were more little shops around here. We got big box and franchise. They killed the little stores.

Best wishes to Cassie!

Lynne said...

Is Cassie back to her usual self today? I hope so.
Looks a lovely shop, both of them. I like the idea of it being a cafe as well.
And another nice header!

BonnyBadger said...

por cassie and her little puddles!!!!!! bless. Love the Rye pics.

Anonymous said...

I hope Cassie is recovering nicely!

That cafe sounds very nice! I love to listen to the French language!

Bimbimbie said...

Those shops in Rye look enticing.

Poor puss, they look so helpless and just a little funny with their lack of coordination after an op*!*