Friday, 9 July 2010

Haiku My Heart

I have bought a new toy. A bamboo pen tablet by wacom. I am handwriting this! I got it so I could draw-it is so hard to be accurate with a mouse. There are so many lovely brushes to try in photoshop. The pen pressure ones are lovely.

As you are writing, if you make a mistake you cross it out
and it disappears! So clever! I was having trouble with it last night, but I think it is because I had the mouse plugged in at the same time, and it does mouse jobs so maybe it was confused!

Visit Rebecca for more Haikus. I have to go back to school now (I am on my Planning, Preparation and assessment afternoon-PPA) as we have a school fair. I am on the bric-a brac stall. It will be boiling in the hall so roll on hometime!


rebecca said...

you continual are

i thank roses,
for you...

xxx said...

i like the sound of your new toy... i wanna play too :)

jabblog said...

Pretty rose and haiku.
You reminded me that I have a toy like yours - really must go and find it and practise with it ;-)

Deborah said...

**sigh** I love it all...the word, drawing, and photo. **blows kisses** Deb

Anonymous said...

Oh dear - I am feeling even more of a technophobe than usual!! And I still haven't got to grips with haiku - if only there were 8 days in the week!!

Yiota said...

Love your new toy! Pretty drawing and picture. I love how the words come to life through the picture.

Spadoman said...

I like the Haiku, but I love the writing tool! How cool is that?


Ms. Moon said...

Nice. I handwrote a post once and took a picture of it for my blog and I keep forgetting to do that again.

deb did it said...

OK, so now I want this new toy....I love the organic visual of handwriting...what a wonderful haiku

Dianne said...

beautiful haiku

Anonymous said...

bamboo pen... what fun!

Uma said...

This is sheer beauty, the process of composing as well as the composition. It's truly haiku in spirit.

turquoise cro said...


Unknown said...

Bare Winter branches
Thinking of Summer ahead..

Exactly how I am feeling at the moment

BonnyBadger said...

nigel used to use one of those pen things. Sounds good.

Paula said...

I hadn't heard of the bambo pen but it sounds super cool! Going to have to check it out.
The picture on this post is really beautiful~

Mary S. Hunt said...

i have one and i have yet to use it

now i think i should dig the thing out and play!

Anonymous said...

That is too neat! Glad that you are enjoying your new toy!