I took Tiger and Lily to the vet's this morning for their injections. There was a woman there with a big excited Staff. (
Staffordshire bull terrier-they are always excited.) It looked hungrily towards the cat baskets, as she old me it was not her dog. She had found it wandering nearby. It was
microchipped, so the veterinary nurse rang the number. She was told by the woman who owned the dog that she didn't want it anymore, and that she would not collect it. She had just let it go! The dog's name was Temper Blue, and she was really sweet-sitting when we told her too rather than continuing to leap around, and really enjoying all the attention she was getting. The woman who brought her in was quite upset. The vet was going to keep her and arrange for the dog warden to come and get her. I hope they manage to find her a new home.

I took the baskets back to the shed and saw the violets looking pretty on the lawn. I saw a frog in the pond and a black cat on the neighbour's shed. In the half light we have had today and since the weekend, everything seemed very cold and pale, apart from the lovely purple and green of the violets.