Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Shelf Life

Dr Scops makes friends.
These girls find life very hard. They have to sit around a lot, contemplating things.
Jesus is getting back to nature.
Small pile of circles which are in a box of other similar things. The box is on the shelf.
The Brockley Jack.
P.S. Dr Scops, Gothic Lolita, (left of the three girls), tiny doll, (on her lap)-are by Beth Robinson(blog) of strangedolls.
Violet-(right) is from Nicole Johnson of Mealy Monster Land. Her Blog is here. Dr Scops' friend is from Greenwich Market. She looks like china but is plastic. I don't normally go for the Victorian type of doll but I liked her.


frayed at the edge said...

I love your displays - the girls are my favourites!!

Yiota said...

Hi Sarah!
I'll have to agree with Kat about the collection of circles. I like the 'unexpected' element in your blog/life. I always find something original and unique here.

Linda Sue said...

love your eclectic collection- a box of circles- awesome!I had a friend who had a box full of pants elastic...I like that jesus is getting abck to nature- out of politics and back to a pagan frame of mind!!

kendalee said...

Looking good! I love shelves and it's always such fun to see what other people put on theirs. Your collections are wonderful and I'd love to spend some time with your girls, sitting around a lot and contemplating things sounds great!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Sarah for the photos and the link to my work. It is much appreciated! It is always so neat for me to see the dolls in another environment. I love seeing them at "home." And they are very much there among your wonderful items.

Janine said...

Sarah, great pictures!!!

Unknown said...

Love the dolls, and the pictures always make me curious.


Lynne said...

I think your dolls appreciate your newly painted shelves Sarah.
I'm off to visit the sites you mention hers and on your more recent post.

→lisa said...

You know, I admire anyone who has a box of circles sitting on a shelf :)

Textile and Stitch said...

Thanks for the visit and congratulations to you on ADQ too! I love that large group that was featured, how fun for all of you! I love Beth Robinson, I have a Stitch Bitch in my collection... I don't have one from Nicole yet but I recognized her style right away :)