Monday, 22 February 2010

From 'Bell, Book and Candle'
Pyewacket is the cat.
The painting I sold the other day.
I was happy to get a lovely email from June who bought her.


Linda Sue said...

Oh Sarah, Love the painting that sold, You are very talented and just my style! LOVE love LOVE! AND...your amazing envelope of astonishing goodies arrived today and blew my mind a little bit (lots)...Thanks you so much Ms. Generosity and talent! The aceo sized ones I will display ,credit to you the artist, at the gallery in October with some that Anairam made and whomever else contributes. Breast cancer is the recipient of any profets made though not all will be for sale, like yours...becasue they belong to ME, lucky me!- Circles of smiles and a map to your house! Awesome!

Candace said...

WOW. First, your card arrived JUST ON TIME. Ta-Daaaaa!!! It stayed on the mantel all weekend.

Second, the first thing I saw was Kim Novak's eyes... having grown up watching this movie every time it was on the tube, I knew what it was immediately. Great photo, and great cat.

But third and most importantly, congrats on "Blue"! I am absolutely thrilled for and about you and your work.
June is a lucky girl to have such a wonderful piece like this.

Take good care, Dear Sarah.
Candace in Athens x

frayed at the edge said...

Your painting is lovely - well done on selling it!!

ps - as you will have seen, still having problems with my ID when leaving you a comment - sometimes the Typepad one works, other times I have to revert to Google!!!

BonnyBadger said...

love the painting you sold - not surprised it sold at all. you must be pleased. i might try setting up an etsy account if I get good enough. ONE DAY!

Lynne said...

Well done with the painting.
I like the name Pyewacket. Very eyecatching photo.

Tracy said...

Wonderful news about the painting... So glad it is on it's way to a happy new owner--great work, Sarah :o) ((HUGS))

Unknown said...

Oh the painting is beautiful Sarah...Congrats. The picture of on top is mesmerizing.


kendalee said...

How fabulous it must feel to sell one of your creations and think of it living happily in its new home - congratulations!

Unknown said...

Beautiful painting! Have a sweet day!

Mary S. Hunt said...

congratulations on a great sale
and the picture of the lady and cat is terrific...i like the cats name too!

snoopydogknits said...

That's a beautiful painting. It would look lovely in my home too!!!! :) Such exctiting work! Love it. Have a GREAT weekend. Ros

ArtSparker said...

That's quite a lovely painting.