Sunday, 14 February 2010

Hearts and Crafts

Love a cup of tea...
Love Tiger...
And Lily. Lily loves the settee.
Love roses-thanks Andy! Love Andyxx
Love the fact that if you rub chalk dust over stamped white ink this happens! I didn't know!
I found this out yesterday after a fun craft day with my friends Clare and Cleo. Clare made a great collage and got very excited about wax! Cleo sewed a flower from felt and leather and showed us photos of her holiday in New Zealand, including pictures of a mohair rabbit having a shave. This involves stretching it out and securing its little paws! She tried to teach me to crochet-I don't think it is for me! Far too difficult. Fun day! Rainbow hearts. Different kinds of love. All good.

Happy Valentines day to you, whatever you are doing. xx


Yiota said...

to play along with you...
Love this post! Just love it!

Anonymous said...

I got roses too (peach ones)!! I gave Malcolm chocolates (and breakfast in bed!!

Anonymous said...

Hooray - I just tried the open ID again ... and it worked!!

Rosebud Collection said...

Happy Valintine's Day to you..Nice roses..always a happy gift.

Anairam said...

Ha - I like that play on words in your title! You got roses - you lucky thing. I shouldn't complain though - L'Usband brought me coffee in bed AND made a lovely breakfast of mango, followed by eggs, bacon, sausage and tomato on toasted rolls - so sweet!

Unknown said...

Happy Val Day Sarah

Relyn Lawson said...

Hearts and crafts. Great and witty title.

Here it is Valentine's Day and I had to stop by and wish you a great one.

a wish from me:

On this day, may you know, really know how much you are loved. May you recognize love in all it's forms. May you be grateful for the love of children and pets, old friendships and new. May your heart swell with all the beauty this life brings. Happy Valentine's Day, my friend.

Linda Sue said...

Your kitties are so mellow looking...mine is insane. Love that you crafted together- how fun- wish I could have been there- Lately I have been finding miniature furniture in charity shops and such. I think of you ever time and wonder how well they would fit into your houses...

Lori Saul said...

Beautiful, soulful images Sarah and your papered collage is fantastic- I'm inspired to try this one of these days!

BonnyBadger said...

Love the roses - weren't you lucky! Can't complain - got three pressies including a pink heart teapot and cup!

Lynne said...

Sounds a lovely weekend. Lovely photos too, especially of Lily.

snoopydogknits said...

Love your roses and your hearts! Hope you had a lovely day. Ros