Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Femme Becomes Homme

I have a couple of books of works of art owned by the Tate Gallery. I love looking through them from time to time, and came across this Picasso painting the other day. I think it is so beautiful and wanted to have a go at a copy using techniques from the portrait class. This is how it turned out! As I said in the title, femme became homme!

She looks slightly elfin with that large ear and pointy features.
The transformation begins!
Though I think he/she is wavering here a little.


Candace said...

How totally cool this is! You did a great job, and I can't wait to see your other works. Well done!

Unknown said...

She is good Sarah...I love how she turned out.


Shell said...

This is so cool, Sarah

Lynne said...

How interesting, what a change to her. I am in awe at your skill.
I'm not sure that it's your site, I think it's my computer that is the problem with scrolling down. I wasn't able to play the videos on your previous post.

Anonymous said...


Nishant said...

I can't wait to see your other works. Well done!

Work From Home