Andy and I went up to Edinburgh this weekend, to see his Mum. We joined in the Royal Wedding festivities in the communal bit of the sheltered housing complex where she lives. It was great! A couple of the residents had organised the whole thing, and for a modest fee there was breakfast, lunch, cake, coffee and cava, plus a comfy sofa and a large tv! The lady who did the organising also cleverly made this knitted royal family wedding scene. Great isn't it?! We met lots of her friends who were all really sweet. When the hymns were being sung lots of people (myself included) were quietly joining in.
I quite often take photos of the tv-second hand photos through someone else's eyes-weird! These are three of my (someone else's) favourite shots.
There was so much speculation about the dress which was beautiful. The strangely innappropriate BBC commentator's remark, as Catherine Middleton left the hotel for the Abbey was something about the dress being 'unsoiled'. Thank goodness!
Here are the shadows for shadow shot Sunday-in the folds of the train and skirt. I love this picture for the fact it is monochrome apart from the red carpet.

After the wedding we went to the Botanic Gardens for tea. We walked through the gardens and saw lots of activity on the pond-swans, moorhens and lots of tiny ducklings.
The plant below is a Trillium. It is such a strange looking plant with the three leaves and the flower poking up in the middle. I would like some, but reading up on it I think it may be the wrong kind of garden here-it likes rich well soil and semi-shade, so maybe not!

When we go away my friend feeds the cats. They get along fine, but Lily finds it very stressful and does not usually forgive us for at least a day. They all had a mad half hour on the dirt patch when we got home, chasing after stones and sticks. Tiger even retrieved a stick! They are all settled down in front of the fire now so seem quite happy.
Shadow Shot Sunday is here.